Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hello Everyone,
Well, I’m sure the first thing you’ll want to know about is transfers. Ha, ha actually, I think that’s only exciting to me; but here it is anyways! I get to stay in Bozeman 1st ward and Big Sky which I am very happy about. I am losing Sis McCain though and I will be training a new sister. She will be my 7th companion. I think I’m working on a record for the most number of companions in the shortest amount of time. Some people never have more than 3-4 companions in their whole mission! I guess no one can take my awesomeness for too long ha, ha
We had a really good dinner on Saturday night. It was crepes with fresh strawberries and whipped cream and all sorts of other delicious things! I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I ate a lot. A LOT. But it was totally worth it because Sunday was fast Sunday; I had to make up for meals lost, right?
How have I been managing the cold? Terribly. That day that it was -9? Well, it was actually -33 with windchill. It was terrible. Your nose hairs freeze and your lungs hurt. You can get frostbite in less than 10 minutes and it’s a pain to back the truck. You slip around everywhere because everything is frozen and the truck has a tough time. There are accidents everywhere because of the ice and terrible conditions. The good thing is that people don’t leave homes on days like that so we can see anyone we want! It’s great!! We were actually able to visit someone because of it and later that night she called us in tears because her daughter was in trouble and needed help. But anyways, she called us and asked for a blessing from the bishop (this was her first reach out to the church in years!) and we were able to help her out, all because we had been there earlier.  Hopefully she will begin to see the need for the gospel in her life again soon. It was quite the time.
We played dodgeball this week and I was so happy because it seemed like the balls couldn’t hit me for the longest time! It was great! My favorite moment was when I was the last one standing and Elder Holland was chasing me around with the balls and trying to hit me, getting all worn out, and finally he goes “what the heck Sister Draney?!” it made me laugh. Apparently I made it look easy to dodge his throws which is tough because he throws so hard! I must admit, he’s a bit too much of a gentleman to play dodgeball (even though he wins almost every game) because if he corners a sister, he can’t throw it at her. He’s always like “at least run, or something!” and if you don’t move he feels bad and won’t hit you. It’s the greatest. Sis McCain managed to win a game! It was great! We were the last two standing and she caught my throw. Ah, oh well. Maybe it isn’t my destiny to win, just to be evasive.
I learned to bind books this week which was so cool! I got a copy of the instructions to put in my journal so I can do it again some day.
Our investigator, Margaret, finally agreed to a baptism date! We’re super excited! Now we just have to work with her to help her gain a testimony. Prayers would be appreciated; she’s such an awesome woman!
We went to dinner at a member’s house this week and we played with the kids for a couple minutes while we were getting bundled up. One of their boys got angry and started trying to hit me. Well, since I have younger brothers and sisters that didn’t’ work too well. I caught his hands when he tried to hit me and just kept holding on. His parents teased that we were going to take him home with us because he had been so mean, so I started walking towards the door and boy did that kid scream and cry! It was kind of funny and his parents were laughing, but I did not expect him to panic like that! I guess now he’ll never hit another sister missionary ;) But he kept making funny faces to me at church, so I think he’s forgotten already.
We were also out in a really sketchy place and I told sis McCain that I refused to get out and back her because it didn’t feel like a really safe place and she agreed; so we turned around and suddenly she does this half gasp, half scream and I panic, thinking someone’s coming to kill us. Turns out it was just someone looking out their window. She still scared me though!!

Well, that’s  about it! Keep the letters coming, you are all the best!!!!
Sister Draney

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