Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hello Everybody,


Yep, it’s WAY cold outside. My ears hurt so bad when I walk into a building after being outside. I can’t stay out long without getting a headache. We’re supposed to have a major storm soon, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’d really like to see a huge blizzard. I think that it would be really cool, but all we’ve had so far today is a light snowfall that simply looks pretty. It doesn’t pile up much, sadly. I do miss flowers and the color green and the sun. Boy do I miss the sun! Most days you can’t even see the sky, even though it’s “big sky country”. It’s usually covered with clouds or it’s completely white or gray with snow.


I got shot a this week... with Hepatitis A #2. I'm finally done with the shots! They didn't trust me not to pass out though so they made me lay down on the kiddie table to get the shot. It went really well and they gave me a juice box and offered me a sticker. I took the juice box but denied the sticker (I have my pride...sort of)


 This week I made Sis McCain call in our numbers because I couldn’t bear to read in so many zeros after all we had done this week. I wish they had a number to indicate effort. Oh well, we’re storing up brownie points in heaven.

We had two of our less actives start to read the BoM finally! We're so excited for them. I literally want nothing more than to go to the temple with them. If I could do that I would feel that I had come home from my mission a success! Oh I want them to sooo badly! One of our other less actives finally got a blessing for Word of Wisdom issues and hopefully will start having a desire to improve.

Let's see, what else... my comp made a cake this week for a woman's birthday that we're working with. I paid for the cake but she loves to bake, so she made it. When I came back to look at the finished product she had shaved off half the cake in an attempt to make it look pretty. I almost lost it because she'd wasted half of a perfectly good cake! Who cares how pretty it looks? We're just going to eat it! So yeah, apparently I have problems with the waste of perfectly delicious food. *sigh* sad day.

We were asked to help move someone into his house but no one showed up but us and one other Priesthood holder (when we had unloaded everything but the huge dresser and washer and drier). So the sisters moved someone all on our own (he did a lot before we got there too, in all fairness) but I feel like that has to win some points for the awesomeness of women! But at the same time I understand why one of our investigators has problems when he sees Priesthood holders not acting as they should or not helping out. I can't blame him. But there are a lot of good Priesthood holders as well. I just think we all in the church could do a little better and remember not to become so complacent, especially in church. We need to be an example at all times!

Oh so this week I was sitting on the floor doing something in my planner and Sis McCain crawls over to me and starts hitting me with her head. Obviously I was a little concerned for her mental well-being so I asked her what she was doing. She said "If I were a bighorn sheep, this is how I would show my love" and I broke down laughing! It was so funny because she said it so seriously! I was still concerned for her health, but it made my day :D


 One of the ladies in our ward gave us a ton of fruits and veggies from Costco. We were really grateful because they’re so expensive here that we can’t get them a lot with our budget. So I had grapefruit for the past two mornings and it was SO good.


I may have to break my rule about not buying soda and buy myself some for a birthday celebration. Sadly there is no caffeine free Dr. Pepper which breaks my heart. Oh well, it’s probably better that there isn’t any. I’m doing so much better with my soda intake though. No caffeine for me for 4 months now.


Well, I can’t think of much else that happened this week. We didn’t do much because we had a plethora of meetings and then Sis McCain had to stay in one day because she was sick. (I was SO bored.) I just don’t want everyone to think my letters are progressively getting shorter. Hopefully people don’t riot ;) ha, ha Maybe they’ll be relieved there’s not as much to read! J


I love you all!


Sister Draney

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