Monday, March 17, 2014

Hello Everyone,
My birthday was really good. I opened all my presents that morning, which I really enjoyed. I have a lot of letters and cards which was awesome!  I ended up getting a whole cake and most of a lasagna and some breadsticks from the Warrens who fed us dinner. Then we went to our next appointment and they gave me a birthday gift too! Then we went to visit the Searles and they gave me another cake! It was so great but now I have been working my way through tons of cake! But it was a really good birthday. It’s nice to celebrate it in an area where I’ve been here for a while, so the members really care about you. In fact, one young woman who is absolutely stellar, came up to me and told me she had a birthday gift for me, but had forgot it at home. I was so excited! :D
The Searles didn’t set a temple date, but Sis Searle did come to church this Sunday. But her daughter, Melissa, says she’s only going for me, because she loves me so much. So I have to figure out how to get her to start coming for the right reasons so that after I leave she’ll stay active. However, for the time being, I’m just glad she’s coming at all. I love her so much and I just want her to be happy!! And the best way to do that is through the gospel. Helping other people come to the gospel is the greatest act of love any one person could do for another because it is a gift of eternal significance that will never fade with time or be dimmed by years. Why would we not then give the gift that is greatest, if we truly care about those around us?  
As for this week, I got to hold a little chick last night at dinner. His other cage-mates died and so he needed some love and interaction which I was happy to supply. I also met the hugest, fluffiest dog ever. I think Sis Governale is a little concerned by dogs. She gets really jumpy and I feel bad because she gets nervous when we walk up to houses with huge dogs who aren’t contained. I have to leave the truck unlocked as we walk up so she can escape. Most dogs out here really are nice though and they know when you’re afraid. So if you’re calm and confident, normally they won’t bother you.
We had an amazing lesson this week. We met the most wonderful couple who were a referral from a member in the ward. They are so great! The fed us dinner and we had an awesome chat. They share a lot of the same interests as us and they had a lot of interesting life experiences to share. They’ve also had lots of sets of missionaries, but have never read the Book of Mormon before for the intent of learning if it was true. The Spirit was there very strong and she started crying (it probably didn’t help that I’m a bit of a spiritual boob and was already crying myself) (I blame you, mom!) Anyways, it turned out really well and they’re both going to read the Book of Mormon prayerfully. I’m really excited to help them on their journey. She also loves family history, so we’re going to set her up with the family history center. Hopefully things will turn out well for them. Prayers are appreciated! Also, they made us cookies, which makes them doubly awesome.
We also had another good lesson with Mark. He’s very open to what we teach, but isn’t sure what he thinks of all of it. He’s supposed to start reading the Book of Mormon and hopefully he’ll read with a real desire and intent so that he can learn that it’s true for himself. I think he has amazing potential and he’s invited us back. I hope we can continue to help him progress and that his heart is continually open and softened.
We also had a lesson with Margaret again. She’s doing so well at her new job and is really enjoying life. However it’s keeping her busy and she hasn’t taken the time to read, which is frustrating. She also says she intends to move to Belgrade in two months to get out of the trailer parks. I am happy for her because it would improve her quality of life, but I would be sad because then we could no longer see her and the elders will have to start stopping by. So we have two months to really help her and then to transition her over. I hope she can get her answer and have the desire to be baptized and strong in the church by the time she moves. That would make me so happy. She’s an awesome woman.
But that’s pretty much it. Someone’s pet rabbit might be having baby bunnies soon! I really hope that that is the case. I’d like to play with baby bunnies!
I hope all is going for everyone and that you’re all staying safe and enjoying life. J


Sister Draney
 This is me being really excited about my birthday cake (it's one of my favorite kinds, I don't know how they guessed!)
 This is Sister Governale and me in front of my cake

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