Monday, March 24, 2014

Hello Everyone,
       Everything is great here in Bozeman!  I am keeping busy.
       Margret is doing well we think. We haven’t been able to see her at all this week because of busy schedules and zone conference. We haven’t been able to see Mark either because he was out of town (again). 
            Sis Searle came to church again this week! I was so excited! I love her so much and I really want her to have the Gospel in her life again. I want to help her in every way I can and I think she knows that.
            Steve and Debbie- we haven’t been able to follow up with them yet but she’s taking us on a drive today for an hour and a half! So I’ll know more soon hopefully. She’s going to come to the church to do family history this week. We’re really excited!
            A quick side story: so we thought we were running short on miles and we decided to walk the 5 miles (one way) to church. It took us 1 hour and 12 minutes! It was great (and cold) and luckily Sis Searle gave us a ride home afterwards. But we were trying to walk quickly, so that combined with the leg exercises I’ve been doing made for very sore legs this morning! But the walk was lovely and I’m glad a lot of the snow has melted.
            As for how we’re helping Mark read with real intent: the idea is to help him become interested in the message we’re teaching and have a desire to know if it’s true so he’ll read the passages we give him with real intent. Another thing we try to do is ask what questions they have and try to answer them directly out of the Book of Mormon. People become very receptive once they learn that the answers to all their questions about anything can be found in the Book of Mormon. It’s such a great book! I have yet to find a problem that it did not address in some way. It’s the best resource any of us have (members and missionaries!).
            Yes, we use a Mormon message when we teach, but usually not with investigators unless there’s something they bring up that it covers perfectly, which rarely happens. We use them more for dinner messages, however we’re trying to cut back more and use the Book of Mormon as much as possible. Speaking of which: We did a fun lesson this week with the Morrison family. Their little boy has a hard time sitting through lessons so I decided we'd talk about how important it is to read the Book of Mormon and we did it by talking about Samuel the Lamanite and we had him get up on a chair and we threw balls at him, but didn't hit him, and pretended he was Samuel the Lamanite and he was like "that was so fun! Let's do that again!" and inwardly I was like "Woot!!!! Success!!". Needless to say, I was very proud of myself. :)
            But other than that there isn’t much new to report this week. We had zone conference and we learned all about the importance of the Book of Mormon. As a zone we divided into groups and read about 40 pages each and finished the whole Book of Mormon in that meeting! It was way cool. And another cool quote that I liked was “Be every day what you wish to become.” Sadly, that’s the only quote I can remember since I didn’t bring my notes with me.
            Well, I’ve got to go because we have a tight schedule today. One of our investigators is taking us for a drive up to Bridger Peak and we have to finish in time to meet her at her house and go up! I love you all and I hope you’re having a wonderful week. If you can, pray for our investigators by name, I have seen it really help and really be a blessing. Never underestimate the power of prayer!
            Love you lots!

            Sister Draney

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