Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I can't believe February will be here by this time next week! Where has January gone?!
We have been very busy this week, despite everyone dropping us. We have been meeting with a lot of members and committing them to invite someone over for dinner (it doesn't have to be with us) to teach the ward to reach out and begin to develop those friendships that could turn into something more.
We have also been doing a lot of tracting which makes me very, very grateful for this warm spell! We have been enjoying 40-60 degree weather for the past couple days and I am soaking it in!!! It's making people here a little more cheerful, so we have been getting a few return appointments and a lot of at-the-door lessons.
We had one of our investigator families at church today; C--- and her kids! They stayed for all three hours and they loved it! she even sent her kids off to primary and nursery, with only a little anxiety haha. We have another appointment with them in a couple days. Keep them in your prayers please!
One of our dinners forgot us this week and we showed up at her house, but we didn't want her to know that she forgot dinner, so we pretended we were just stopping in, and then we went and got a little Caesar's pizza. She's so sweet but she doesn't have the money to feed us unexpectedly.
We had a ton of lessons this week with less active and part member families. We are trying to work out a service project for one of the part member families but we've had to ride the ward a lot to get people moving on it. They had already agreed to do it, it's just that everyone else was expecting someone else to do it. I don't mind arranging it if it means it's going to get done. But I feel bad constantly having to harass the ward to do something they already said they would do.
I wish I had a lot of exciting stories this week, but all I have are a lot of strange and uneventful tracting experiences. Someone got mad at us last night for being out too late. I'll have to say, that was a first. Sometimes I wish I could tell people exactly what's on my mind, for example, last night it would have been:, "Hi, it's cold and windy and I have a headache, but I care enough about you and the message I'm sharing to be out here when I really wish I could be inside by a fireplace with some popcorn. So will you please let us in so that we can help you find the gospel so that you can be eternally happy? Oh, you don't want to be eternally happy? My bad then. We'll just ask your neighbor." haha but that would be bad form. ;) I really do enjoy tracting though because it makes you feel so successful, even if all you get is rejection after rejection. It's the fact that you're working hard and giving the Lord your all that is satisfying.
I hope you are all having a great week! Write me! You only have a few weeks left, YOU CAN DO IT! :)
Lots of love and sorry this is so short,

Sister Draney

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