Monday, January 5, 2015

The snow has finally set in big time. As we were driving to the library to email, we ended up getting stuck and it took four people (myself included) to push us out. People are so nice! It makes me really happy to see that people are willing to go out of their way to help others.
This week there isn’t much that’s too exciting to report. I was holed up for many days with the flu which was really rough. There’s nothing worse than a missionary who can’t do missionary work and is too sick to study or do anything productive. However, now I’m feeling better and am happy to be back at work again full swing! It does completely destroy my goal of making it through my whole mission without a sick day, sadly. Oh well, there wasn’t much I could do about it.
Yesterday was really great though! We had 4 investigators at church!!! That’s more than I’ve ever had my entire mission! I was absolutely thrilled! The d--- family came to church and stayed for all three hours. They liked it and then said that they are going to come back regularly. Apparently they asked C--- to introduce himself in Priesthood meeting, which he did, for 6 minutes! Then he proceeded to bear his testimony! Crazy! I had members coming up to me afterwards and asking why he wasn’t baptized yet! Their son, J---, also went to Primary without any fuss and stayed the whole time! I am beside myself with happiness!
Then we accompanied M--- to the 1 pm Sacrament meeting because she couldn’t get off of work to make any other meeting and we told her of COURSE we would come with her to any meeting she could make it to! So it was a long day for us church-wise, but it was so great because M--- now plans on coming back every week! Such a miracle!!! She cried through parts of church and seemed to really like it, even though she was struggling to stay awake (she’d been at work since 1am)
We were disappointed because L--- hadn’t come to church like he promised he would, however at a stake meeting later than night we learned that he had forgotten about the time change and had gone to all 3 hours of 3rd ward’s meetings by himself! Talk about dedication! Now we just need to help that boy get a testimony! J
Seriously, can anything be greater than yesterday? AND we also followed up on a referral and now have a new less active! Oh the Lord is so good!!!
We still have a few bumps to get over for the three of them, but they are all putting in a ton of effort. M--- and L--- study the pamphlets and the questions in the back so thoroughly that the pamphlets fall apart and they are covered in notes and questions! H--- has been looking all over the LDS websites and reading. She has even been listening to the Mormon Tabernacle choir! Ahhhh! I’m seriously the luckiest, most blessed missionary on the face of the earth!!!
As for everyone else: R--- is doing great, she was able to go home (fingers crossed that it lasts) and hopefully she will being to start getting well so we can work towards her baptism date on March 7. We put the date a little far out so that she has time to really get well and attend church.
S---- we had an interesting appointment with him because he had more friends there, which means we didn’t get to teach him much, but we have 3 potential investigators out of his friends! His house is like a hot spot for potential investigators. Now if only a few of them would come for the lessons…
J--- was out of town for our appointment. Again. I’m quite miffed with him. I don’t think he realizes that we actually schedule out time for him. He just cancels on us like it’s nothing.
Funny story of the week! We went back to C--- house to try and set up another appointment. Her husband, Russ, came to the door and we asked if she was home and he said that she wasn’t, then his daughter runs up and calls out, “she is home!” and in case once wasn’t enough, she stuck her head under her dad’s arm and said, “she is!”. Her dad gave her a look and popped her on the chin (I felt bad for her, she had no idea her dad was lying on purpose) and closed the door partway and went to go get C---.
We asked her if she still wants to meet with us and she says she really does and set up an appointment for next week. Ah, you have to love kids! I hope she didn’t get in trouble. How embarrassing for the dad…
L--- didn’t come to church this Sunday. We aren’t sure why yet. We haven’t been able to pass her off to the elders yet. Apparently something is going on in her life and she wants us to call her again in a few days. I’ll keep you informed.
That’s about it for this week, since I spent 90% of it in bed haha
I love you all so much! And please keep writing me! You have no idea how much of a boost it is to get your letters in the mail! And for those of you who sent me Christmas cards, I give you a large, mass thank you!!!! You made me smile! I love you all!

Sister Draney

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