Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hello Everyone!
I wish I had a lot of good to report this week, but this is probably the most depressing week of my mission, so not much good happening, sadly. Stay tuned and I’ll give you the rundown.
We had a great lesson with L---  about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She said she wanted to be baptized before the end of the year. At the end of the lesson we gave her a Word of Wisdom pamphlet to study for our next lesson. Later the next day we got over 18 text messages at once. She read it and didn’t like the fact that she couldn’t be baptized without giving up her substances and she began calling us deceitful liars and just about everything else you can imagine. Long story short, she dropped us like a rock, deleted our number, and doesn’t want to ever speak to us again. It was a drastic overreaction to the Word of Wisdom, in my opinion.
C--- and H--- d--- are very stuck on the fact that the LDS church doesn’t support gay marriage. C--- told us that he would rather be in hell with his gay friends than in heaven alone. We have brought bishop and one past bishop and studied like crazy, and at this point it’s up to the Lord. I’m very discouraged because it’s just this one thing.
M--- is hung up on baptism. She believes that her preachers were called of God and that he put his hands on them and gave them the authority to baptize. She is very adamant that she is correct and won’t move forward until this is resolved.
S--- forgot his appointments, again. And I am now the only person in the zone with faith in him. It’s very disheartening. I really do think it’s a weird mental thing that causes him to forget things. Sister O’Mealy doesn’t want to visit him anymore.
The one bright spot of our week was C---. She is golden! And we had a great lesson with her and she asked Sister Clark to come. She believes everything we shared and we have another appointment set up for next week. I’m feeling very hopeful!
Transfers are coming up at the end of the month and I’m not sure what to hope for anymore. I guess that’s for the best, so hopefully I won’t be disappointed either way. It would be a bummer to have to pack up again though. Packing is not my favorite…to say the least.
In other exciting news, I learned how to extract a broken light bulb and repair a lamp. That was pretty fun. We also got to teach the YW class yesterday!
It’s warming up here and gas prices have dropped to 1.89, so all is good! Send me letters and emails! I miss you all!
Lots o’ love,

Sister Draney

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