Monday, February 2, 2015

This last week was pretty good! it's weird that it's February. It seems like January just barely started! Well, transfers are upon us again and I'm getting moved to Belgrade in the Bozeman zone. Woooo! The Bo-zone! I'm really sad, but a little excited. I love Bozeman and I'm sad I won't be in town like I was last time.
C--- and her kids came to church again and they loved it! She checked out the primary and we're still waiting to hear back from her. They even bought new church shoes! We had another awesome lesson with her and found out she has been defending the church to her friends that tell her not to meet with us. She says some of the things they say about the church are just stupid! For example, one of her friends said that the Book of Mormon was written by men. and she was like, "so? The Bible was too! And it was written by kings, not by prophets!" I nearly died of happiness! She comes up with a lot of good questions. They're definitely going to get baptized. I just wish I could be here to be a part of it!
T--- and P--- are doing well. We had a pretty good lesson with them and the members stayed afterwards to talk with them and ended up discussing the Restoration with them! it was great! Usually we really like members to stay after lessons and talk with the people so that they can form bonds of friendship with them.
J--- came to church this Sunday and even bore her testimony in Sacrament meeting! It was so great!!! She is right on the verge of reactivation! If she will just keep coming to church that will be great. She mentioned how different her home feels when we are there and she said she wants that in her life.
We visited A--- this week and she said we were angels because of how good she felt when we were there and how it lingered after we left. We wanted to tell her that it was because she was reading the scriptures, but it was in the middle of our RS lesson and we couldn't.
We had a miracle with M--- this week! We finally understood that her concern wasn't about the Priesthood but about what would happen to her family who hadn't been baptized before death if there were no LDS members to do the work for them. So we went over that part of the Plan of Salvation again and now she's willing to be baptized and work towards a date! She still has some hurdles: she has to get married and live the word of wisdom, but we're a lot closer than we were!!! I'm so excited!!!
No luck with C--- and H--- yet. That will be up to the missionaries who stay to hopefully work that out.
Well, that's about it for this week! Thank you to everyone who wrote me letters! I will probably not be able to reply until after transfers, but they will come! You're the best!!!!
Lots of Love and Montana bear hugs,

Sister Draney

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