Monday, June 2, 2014

Happy June!
My how time flies! I can’t believe it’s already June. Weird!

This week has been absolutely crazy-busy with transfers. I got a new companion, Sister Session. Sister Sessions is awesome! She is not a morning person, just like me, so I don’t have to kill myself exercising because her exercise doesn’t depend on my ability to get up and get functioning. She had a morning this week when she was sick and I felt really bad for her, but at the same time I was really grateful because I really needed a nap and I was able to sleep while she slept and it did me a lot of good. She’s a really positive person which was just awesome. She likes to be clean which is a huge relief. She does let me drive, which makes me super happy! Overall she’s pretty cool. She definitely doesn’t appreciate all of our plants like I do ha, ha. She’s from New York, New York (Queens area) and her family recently moved to Salt Lake City. She’s studying nursing and is 22 years old, I think. She also loves ice cream and going out to eat. Woo!! :D She loves to blast all of our music, including Clair de Lune and the MoTab, so sometimes I discreetly turn it down when she’s not looking.

We had a fun RS activity this week. It was themed “This little piggy” after the nursery rhyme that I’m sure you know, (this little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, etc.) So it was “this little piggy went to the market…and used coupons!” and “this little piggy stayed home…to make smoothies!” and “this little piggy had roast beef…because she was prepared!”. It was pretty clever. We had French desserts at the end because the little piggy went “wee wee wee”, which sounds kind of French.

I tore apart this fan we had in our apartment because it was soooo gross!! I was very grateful to Dad for teaching me how to take things apart and think for myself! Boy did it come in handy! J

Oh goodness, I really don’t have anything to write about this week that is very interesting! We had a tons of lessons but no one is really progressing at the moment. It will change, but it’s been a slow week. The river is so high here from all of the snow melt off that it covers the road in a few places.

So, sadly, this is where I will end this week’s letter. Hopefully I’ll have more to write about next week!
I love you all! Thank you for the letters, they make me so happy! :D

Sister Draney
 Sister Sessions and 'the fan'
My favorite trees!

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