Wednesday, May 28, 2014

 Hello Everyone!
This week was beyond crazy.
I’ll start with the best thing first. R--- got baptized!! Our first baptism! Not to mention, he’s the first person to be baptized in Big Sky that anyone can remember, which is super cool! Everything went perfectly. He requested fruity pebble rice krispie treats, so we made one box of those and a box of regular rice krispie treats and then brought some of our leftover cupcakes. It was so great. Sister Governale taught me how to make them in the microwave which is SO much easier! But it’s hard to clean up well without a dishwasher. The marshmallow and butter stick to everything.
I got to fill a font for the first time which was so fun! But I couldn’t figure out when to stop the water. So I was super nervous because I didn’t want it to get too high, but I didn’t want to stop the water because of how long it took to fill. I wasn’t really paying attention to water levels when he was actually baptized. It was kind of funny because I forgot to tell him to plug his nose, so he looked like he was drowning! Then Brother Richards forgot the words and had to baptize him twice. But he’s all good now! He even managed to walk to the front of the chapel to be confirmed, despite his fears of large groups of people.
Last night he came to a big barbeque at Bishop Barton’s house and he had a great time. We had dinner as well and played some of the games with them and threw the football around (everyone was really impressed with my spiral and how far I can throw. I must admit, I was pretty pleased with myself!). Sister Kroff gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon on CD so he can listen to it on his long commute from Big Sky to Bozeman for work each day.
Well, in less exciting things. Brother C---- had his 90th birthday this week, so we took some of our sugar pile-up and gave them cookies. They were so happy to see us and we absolutely love them.
K--- is progressing wonderfully which makes us so happy!
Sister S--- didn’t come to church this week and we don’t know why, so we’re going to go confront her about it later today. *sigh* I don’t know what to do about her!!
So, you may have noticed the picture of me holding an alligator. Yep. Well, mom asked me if I had held it and I had to say no, and then the item appeared on my imaginary, non-existent bucket list; so then I had to go do it. Alligators are slippery!! The lady asked me if I wanted a glove, but I was like, “heck no!” and I fished it out of its enclosure with my bear hands. Woo! What a woman ;P haha
Tons of people cancelled on us for dinner this week, but they all brought us food, so we were all set. I’m not a big fan of people cancelling on us, even if we have enough food in our apartment. I at least want to share a message! But eh, what can I do?
So, I forgot a funny story from a couple weeks ago that Sister Governale reminded me about, so I had to share! I was saying the prayer right before we went into R---- lesson. We were planning to teach the Word of Wisdom and for whatever reason I must have been kind of distracted because when we opened our eyes Sister Governale was looking at me funny. She said, “Sister Draney, do you know what you just prayed for?” and I was like, “Yeah, that our lesson will go well and R---- will have a desire to keep the Word of Wisdom.” And she’s like, “No, you prayed that we would have a desire to keep the Word of Wisdom!” We had a pretty good laugh over that. Obviously it still went well, since he just got baptized. J
We had the great cupcake fiasco this week! We made 112 cupcakes in Darcy Francis’ kitchen. We planned to give out free cupcakes and lemonade on downtown Main Street and hopefully find some new investigators. We didn’t realize how much of everything we bought and we ended up with 8 gallons of lemonade. Then it rained and almost no one was out! So now we have 70+ cupcakes and 6+ gallons of lemonade in our apartment. We meant to go do it again, but then transfers have been happening so life has been way crazy!! As we were packing up the stand though someone came up to us and she was wearing big glasses. She was so excited to see us and told us she was from Alkali Creek ward in Billings and we talked a little bit about Sister Asay who is there who came out with me from the MTC. It turns out, once she took off the glasses, that it was Sister Lion! (Someone I knew pretty well) It was so cool.
We gave talks this Sunday in Big Sky. It was really interesting because by the time we arrived, 20 minutes early, I was quite car sick and ended up having to lay down on the chairs in the building until I felt better.  It was quite the record. Only 2 members of the branch were there when we arrived and one more showed up halfway through. There were 9 of us total: Bro. Francis and his two daughters, the Gilpen’s girl who had to come because we couldn’t be alone with Bro Francis and his daughters because they’re both under 10. We gave talks on the temple and his little girl (10 years old) gave her first Sacrament meeting talk. It was so fun and not too stressful because there were so few people. As always, I got to play the piano which they enjoy because the piano only has a few pre-recorded songs on it. We got to go to Sacrament meeting in Bozeman afterwards to see
 R--- confirmed.
We got transfer news this week. I’ll be staying in Bozeman AGAIN! :D And Sister Governale will be going to St. Ignatius/ Ronan (I don’t know how to spell that… ). I’ll be getting my 8th companion, sister Session. I hope she’s cool! She used to be a Sister Training Leader, so I’m hoping she won’t be a rigid-rule robot. I’m hoping she’ll be flexible and fun. I guess we’ll see tomorrow!
I love you all and hope you’re having a great week!
Lots of love,

Sister Draney

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