Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hello Everyone!
It’s crazy that it’s almost July! Boy how time flies!
IMPORTANT: We are moving to a new apartment. It’s the same address in Bozeman, but send it to #201 instead of #120. Thanks!
It finally stopped raining today so Sister Session and I hiked up to a waterfall at 7am this morning . It’s called Palasade Falls and it only took us 30 minutes to hike up and 6 minutes to go down (taking the shortcuts; we’re so naughty!) We had a really good time but it was freezing cold outside because the sun wasn’t up yet. The falls were beautiful and it was a great way to start the morning today!
Well, just as I was typing this a guy walks up and goes, “oh! You’re Mormon.” And I said, “Yeah, we are.” And he talked to us for a minute and it was so nice! He believes some of what we do, but booked it out of the library before I could talk to him more. It was much more refreshing than what happened the other day.
Sister Session and I stopped by Walmart to grab some milk because we were all out and as we walked in this guy took one look at us and started swearing . I was like, “Well, for rude!” But it really didn’t bother me too much. It’s just funny how people react to you when they find out you’re LDS but they really know nothing about you or our beliefs.
Last Monday at dinner I got bit by a bird! We went to go visit the Poulsens and their bird bit me on the ear because he was trying to get at my eye. Then he tried to bite me as I tried to get him off of my shoulder. Finally Sister Poulsen had to take him down because I couldn’t get the bird off of me!
K---- is doing wonderful, she won’t make her set baptism date because her parents keep taking her out of town. Ahh! So frustrating! But other than her church attendance she’s all ready! It’s so great to get to see the changes she is making in her life. We’re working with her on making sure she understands the Plan of Salvation. That girl has a scary-good grasp on everything we teach her. It’s awesome!
On Sunday we had a rough day. We had 8 lessons planned (11 if you count our back-ups) and only 3 went through! It was exhausting and frustrating. Even the back-ups of our back-ups didn’t answer the door! Luckily, we still had a lot of lessons this week and we did just fine.
I don’t know what the deal is, but everyone has suddenly started conspiring to feed us jalapeños! They’re so good, but oh it can be miserable later!
Also, I have seen the strangest bird flying around Bozeman this last week; a PELICAN. I think it’s lost. There are no oceans here and I have no idea how it came to be here, or what it’s eating to stay alive. The first time I saw it I was practically in the front windshield trying to see if it really was a pelican. Sure enough, it was. And we saw him again a few days later. It’s so strange…
We had mutual on Wednesday night to help K--- get ready for Girl’s Camp. She is so excited!! We are thrilled she is going. Her mom is even getting involved. She is making purple capes for all of the girls and embroidering their girl’s camp flag, which is quite industrious of her! She even participated in our lesson this week, which was a huge step forward! I love their family so much and I just want them all to have the most happiness possible (which comes from the gospel!).
We had lunch at this place called FhoReal. It was delicious and they gave us so much food!! I couldn’t finish it all, but I would definitely like to go back. The reason we went there is because our dinner appointment cancelled on us and we had to go out to lunch instead. I didn’t mind at all.
Lately I have really been craving movie popcorn. You know, the buttery, salty stuff. The only downside is, I’m a missionary! So I can’t go get any in a movie theatre lest people get the wrong idea about us. *sigh* it’s so sad…
One of the elderly ladies in our ward invited her non-member neighbor over for dinner. I had so much fun talking to him about his career. He used to trade futures in Chicago and he told me all about how it works. It was so interesting! Sadly, he escaped before the lesson and we were so bummed! But sister Schwab was thrilled because he seemed to like us, which apparently is big for him. So maybe we’re planting future seeds.
Well, that’s about it for this week! I hope you are all doing well! Write me please!!
Tons of love,
Sister Draney

 Me and Sis. Session
 our zone in Bozeman

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