Monday, May 12, 2014

Hello Everyone!

When will Montana realize it’s May? It snowed again last night and this morning and I can’t figure out how it’s not getting warmer! I’m so ready to ditch my jacket and enjoy the sunshine.
The work has slowed down again here. It’s frustrating to have to really start searching again rather than having a bunch of people we’re working with. The thing is, we haven’t stopped working with anyone. Maybe we’re just getting better at managing our time? It’s weird. But we’ve both agreed that we feel like there’s something specific the Lord wants us to be doing with that extra time. The only problem is, neither of us can figure out what that is! So we’re doing our best to stay busy and figure it out.
This week some of the buttons on my coat were working themselves loose, so I re-sewed a bunch of the buttons back on. Now the only problem is that they’re on too tight! I’ll have to wait for them to loosen a bit again.
K------- went to mutual without us this week and loved it! We were so pleased. She also brought two friends! She’s better at missionary work than most member young women! They all want to start working on Personal Progress. We started working with Karla on a few of the faith value experiences and she’s so excited! She committed us to reading Hebrews 11 with her and praying morning and night like she has to. We didn’t bother to tell her that we do that already ha, ha.
The S-------- came to church yesterday! We were so happy for them. Mother’s Day is a tough one for quite a few people. I was never really aware of how hard Mother’s Day can be for some women until I came out on a mission. It’s so sad, but it’s good to know so I can be more sympathetic. They also got a new kitten this week! I’m so thrilled! It completely shredded my hands but it’s so adorable that I totally don’t mind.
This week we volunteered at the Community Café which is a place that takes the miscellaneous food from the food bank and turns it into wonderful meals that serve over 100 people on a frequent basis. So we got to go serve tables and take care of the people. It was so fun! The guests called us “the sisters” which was awesome exposure for us. The people there were really great and the food was quite good. I was really impressed. They have it in an old restaurant that was vacant for years and they turned it into a really fancy soup kitchen of sorts (only they serve a lot more than just soup!). We really enjoyed the experience.
Sister T---------- is giving herself a guilt trip for not coming to church and blaming it on us. We mentioned that we were sad not to see her at church on Sunday and she got upset and said we needed to stop guilt tripping her. After we left I wish we had said “well, no one can make you feel guilty, so if you feel guilty that could be the Spirit telling you where you need to be”.
We taught R------ the Word of Wisdom this week and it turns out he was already quitting everything on his own! He was like “yeah, after the first lesson I quit smoking and stopped drinking coffee. That’s why I was so sick that one week.” So he had started keeping the Word of Wisdom before we even taught it! And now he’s living it perfectly. Not to mention he called us last night and started telling us that he had been studying chastity (which is what we had planned to teach him this week) and he told us that he’s getting rid of his female roommate and looking for a place in Bozeman to be closer to the church! We are simply beside ourselves with joy. He is so awesome!!!
I learned about SMART goals this week. Smart goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time based (s-m-a-r-t). I thought that was pretty clever.
A family in the ward invited us over for dinner and they also invited their non-member friends and we got to teach them the first lesson! Nothing drastic came from it but the members were really pleased and we were so glad that they trusted us with their friends. It’s great to have the trust of the ward.
I haven’t written about M------- for a while because we haven’t seen her in almost 2 weeks! She hasn’t been home every time we have gone over. It’s like she just fell off the face of the earth! So updates will come when we are finally able to see her again.
But that’s about it for exciting stuff this week! I rescued some worms from drowning on the sidewalk and I felt pretty accomplished. I also got to hold these tiny newborn puppies! They’re going to sell for about $600 per puppy. The family uses it to pay for missions and college. It’s really smart and a lot of the kids do it here to make money.
I hope you all had a wonderful week! And if you didn’t get the chance you should see the new Mormon message “It was Mom”, it’s so cute!
Lots of love,

Sister Draney

holding a snake

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