Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy May Mi Familia! (that’s my best attempt at Spanish ha, ha)
A family from my ward here flew down to AZ and took some pictures of the Gilbert temple for me. It’s SO beautiful!!!! I can’t wait to see it myself!! Speaking of seeing things, I keep having dreams that I’m going home early and I’m always really confused when I wake up to discover that I’m still on my mission ha, ha! I also had the weirdest dream that they made an MTC for re-entering the real world and that Michigan (or one of the “m” states) got hit by some sort of natural disaster and I was being sent to help clean it up. Crazy dreams.
The chiropractor visits are going great! I feel so, so good! By back still hurts if I stand for long periods of time or do a lot of heavy lifting, but my neck and shoulders don’t hurt so much. So nothing is worse, only better!
M-------- has been gone every time we visited. We set an appointment but as we pulled up with our member in tow she was pulling away from her house! So we chased her down in our truck and pulled her over and turns out she had forgotten and made other plans! I was so, so, so frustrated!!
The S------ haven’t come to church for 2 weeks. Again, so frustrated!!!!
K----- isn’t coming to church, but hopefully she and her sister will come to mutual this week. They’re filling nylons with flour and throwing them at each other. Should be fun! Too bad we already have another appointment!
Sister T------- hasn’t come to church either. My life has turned into a frustrating sinkhole of hopes and dreams for people who don’t follow through!
I’m doing the best I can out here, but it’s hard to show all the work in just one letter home since we only share the interesting and successful stuff.
Things are going great here. It’s warm off and on, kind of in spurts. You never know what the weather will be like so we always have a jacket, just in case. For example, one day it was supposed to be 72 degrees so we decided to walk to our appointments instead of driving. It was really great, we walked 5 miles before someone picked us up about ¼ of a mile away from our destination. I ended up getting a horrendous sunburn but I’m hoping that maybe something good will come of it, like a tan. But I need to be better about the sunscreen, it’s just not as hot as Arizona and I forget that I can still burn even if it’s not hot.
We had a great lesson with the S----- this week and they asked a lot of good questions and we were able to resolve some concerns. She also came to the family history center and was able to trace her family history all the way back to 604 A.D so she was really excited about that. Success!! :D
I also got to visit the Museum of the Rockies for the first time last Monday. It wasn’t as cool as the Anchorage, Alaska museum, but it was still pretty cool. I think I enjoyed the exhibit of old kitchen appliances best, strangely enough. But it was pretty small and there were only a few big exhibits. It was still a good experience though and they let us in for free, so I was really glad I didn’t have to pay the $14 entrance fee. What they did have was super cool though. I really enjoyed all of the huge dinosaur bones and the gecko exhibit and the Native American way of life exhibit.
We got our free strawberry plant this last Monday, which means that we now have potatoes, strawberries, mint and yellow, white and red onions growing in our apartment. All of the plants are pretty happy except for the strawberry plant. Our studio apartment looks like a little jungle. J
We did service for the H------- this week and helped them decorate over 100 cupcakes. We had a good talk about why they need to come to church and gave an excellent lesson on baptism for their daughter who is almost baptism age. They are active in wards in Idaho, just not here! It’s frustrating!  
R------, on the other hand, is doing great! He went to church again last Sunday in Big Sky without us and we were so proud of him! He’s had 3 of the lessons and reads all the material we give him, not to mention a lot that we don’t. He has read over 7 chapters of the Gospel Principles book without our asking him and whenever he finishes the assignments we do give him, he calls us up to ask for more! He’s set a baptism date for May 24, so he needs lots of prayers that he will understand the things we’re teaching him and that his family will know when he’s ready.  He has a wonderfully blossoming testimony, it’s so exciting!
I got to go to a Vocal Point fireside on Saturday and it was really beautiful. I thought I recognized one of the singers and it turns out he’s from Arizona! But he’s from Snowflake so I have no idea why he looks so familiar. His last name is actually Flake; ha, ha go figure.
But that’s about it for this week. It hasn’t been a terribly exciting week to write about. It was pretty slow work-wise and we’re looking for more people to teach, especially during the day. So prayers are appreciated!
Love you lots!!

Sister Draney

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