Monday, February 9, 2015

This week has been so long and so short all at the same time! I got transferred and it feels like I've been in Belgrade for forever already. The people here are wonderful! I've never had a warmer welcome in my entire mission. They are simply thrilled to have sister missionaries, but I feel so bad because both sister Thackeray and I are leaving in 4 weeks and we don't have the heart to tell them.
We have had an awesome week lessons-wise even though all 13 appointment the elders made for us before they left fell through. I hope they don't ask how they went...
We have had a lot of fun figuring out how to get around and despite all your teasing, Dad, I do have a pretty good memory for streets and places I've been! :)  (I don't know if you remember teasing me about that)
There are a lot of promising people here, whether or not they'll be baptized before we leave is up in the air, but they will get the someday!
There is this wonderful girl names C--- and she has been going to church for two years with one of her friends who invited her. Two years! Her family has all taken the discussions with her, but they don't believe it as much as she does, but they are all really supportive of her, which is amazing! She is working hard on Personal Progress and even gave a talk at the Standards of Excellence night this week.
Then there's A---, his mom picked up and left him and his two older brothers. Now he is living with a member of the ward and is going to church and is thinking about being baptized. It's cool because they aren't pressuring him to be baptized at all. He's a great kid.
Then there's A---. She is a young woman with two inactive parents who won't let her get baptized until she is 18 but she still wakes up every morning to go to early morning seminary. That girl has more determination than I think I've ever seen in a young woman!
We met K--- and her mom C---. K--- is 8 and is getting baptized this Saturday. It's a little hard to watch because we know she is getting baptized into inactivity. None of her family are active, but they want her to be baptized. When we asked her why she wanted to be baptized she told us it was because of the treats and the presents. Though I do admire her because her mom drops her off and she goes to church all by herself! I just hope she has the strength to keep going and that her mom keeps driving her.
Our new relief society president is great. She gave us a huge list of people to contact so it gave us a nice base to start with. She also came and helped us clean out our new apartment.
We are moving into our new apartment this week which seems kind of pointless considering how long we both have. But it was so dirty and Sister Thackeray was super no-nonsense and told the manager we wanted it cleaned again or we wanted to be paid for the time it would take us to clean it. (The apartment would never have passed any inspection by any of my previous landlords.) and he did it! We got $100 off of rent to clean it ourselves. Not that it does us any good, but it saves some money for the Church, which is good!
The ward has been so great, they are furnishing our apartment for us with things that the members no longer need. I am getting so spoiled as a missionary. I'm going to move into my first apartment after I'm married and be like, "okay, so who is going to furnish it for us?" Ha, ha just kidding. But we are spoiled!
I forgot how beautiful Bozeman is. The weather has been great and I've been loving all the stars that I can see. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I came back.
We had the coolest experience this week! We had spent a whole night trying to track people down from Sister Mason's list (the RS president) and we hadn't had any luck, so we decided to pray over the list to see who the Lord wanted us to visit (yes, I know we should have done that to begin with, but hindsight is always 20/20).
So we prayed over the list and sat for a minute. I was a little embarrassed because we had specifically prayed to know who on the list we should visit, but the name that came to me wasn't on the list, so I asked sister Thackeray to tell me who she thought of first and she said, "S---" and that was exactly the same person I had thought of! I was blown away! Talk about revelation from the Spirit!
 So we headed over and he wasn't home but we ended up talking to his wife at the door. She had never talked to missionaries before because she was always at work when they stopped by. We had such a good talk and were able to have a lesson with her. She said she wanted to come to church, but then never showed.
It was funny because we invited her to church and she said, "where is it?" And sister Thackeray and I just looked at each other and started laughing because we realized that neither of us knew where the church was! Oops! Luckily our ward mission leader, Brother Rogers texted us back quickly and we were able to get it to her.
We had another cool moment where we realized that Sister Thackeray worked with a lady in the ward back in college! It's crazy how differently their lives turned out. Sister Head has two kids and Sister Thackeray is on a mission. It was so cool for them to get to see each other again!
We have a new address and I'll include it here, please write, because I love letters, but as things get closer to leaving, my replying time might decrease.
605 Nevada St. #1
Belgrade, Mt 59714

Things are going great here! We are very excited to see what we can do here in Belgrade!
I love you all!
Sister Draney

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