Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hello my dear eternal family!
I hope you are all having fun on your lovely vacation! I am so jealous!
This week we went on a lot of visits with our only sister Ward missionary. She took us out to visit a lot of people that we normally can't get in with. We visited this really old sister named E---. She is so cute because she try's so hard but despite her best efforts she always sleeps all through church and she snores so loud, but there's nothing anyone can do. Sister M--- even tried to give her a five hour energy but it didn't even keep her awake for an hour. She was so excited to have visitors and the other ladies in the home were so excited to see us too. It makes me wonder how dull their life must be. It's sad because so many of them say that they feel like they have no purpose to being alive.
We visited Sister S--- again and she seems very unhappy to see us, but we went in anyway and she warmed up to us as we started talking to her and her husband. Her husband talked our ear off and we ended up being there for quite a while. It ended up being good because they agreed to watch General Conference.
We got to visit the new Sunday School president, Brother T---. He is a great man with a lovely family. I'm excited to have him as the president because he is so enthusiastic. He has only been in the ward a few weeks, but he will be a great president. I guess that's what you get for asking the bishop to out you to work in your very first interview with him. Be careful what you ask for, haha!
We had a lot of dinners cancel on us this week. We had quite a few crockpot dinners. The C--- almost cancelled on us because sister C--- went to watch "Gone With the Wind" in the theatre. So we ended up eating out on the porch with brother C--- because we couldn't go in the house with him. It was slightly problematic because I didn't have a jacket. I had left it over at Sierra's house, so I froze all through dinner even though they lent me a small jacket.
Of course, right after dinner we went to go get my jacket. It ended up working out perfectly because we got to have a much-needed talk with many of the J--- family.  We were able to find out what to do about R---, who had been excommunicated. We talked with sister J--- and her daughter about teaching them out of the temple prep book because her daughter is getting ready to go on a mission. It ended up being worth freezing throughout the week.
We had an awesome finding experience this week. We were trying to find a referral and it didn't start well. A man yelled at us for "soliciting" (may I point out that missionaries never solicit, according to the dictionary) and then proceeded to stare at us as we knocked on other doors to try and find the woman we were looking for.
We ended up giving a lesson to an active member family and they gave us two referrals in their apartment complex.
One of the families turned out to have two hard of hearing members and one deaf child, with several hearing children. I was able to talk to them because they do a mix of signing and talking. They invited us back in a few weeks because she was having her baby the next day.
Then we went to go visit the second referral and she told us immediately that she was Catholic and started to close the door but we started talking to hear about family history and we caught her attention for a moment. Then the little deaf boy rode up on his scooter and started signing to me and so I signed back to him and all the sudden the woman wanted to know different signs so that she could talk to the boy because she loves him but can't communicate with him.
She ended up letting us into her home and telling her about her family history and her hobbies for almost an hour.
By the time we left she kept repeating for us to come back and she kept saying that it was just like having her daughter's visit her. It was such a success!
We had a great lesson with Sister R--- this week! She is officially considered reactivated!! We planned and role-played for our next lesson with her because we planned on teaching the Word of Wisdom because we saw a coffee maker in her home. I was a little nervous about how she would take it.
When we arrived it was a really cold, windy day and she greeted us with warm cookies and hot chocolate. It was the greatest thing ever! It was like visiting the little old ladies you read about in books. It was so cute because it was all set up like a little kid tea party. :) as we sat down and ate a bite, she said, "So, ladies, let's talk about the Word of Wisdom.
I was flabbergasted! It was so unexpected because she didn't know what we were landing on talking about that day. She told us all of her questions and concerns and we were able to resolve it all ad she committed to keeping the Word of Wisdom! We will follow up on it soon.
We had a lesson with C--- and she texted us as we were walking into her house and asked us to talk about black people and the Priesthood. We had a little panic moment because that is something we don't often teach together. Luckily, she accepted the official declaration 2 without throwing any super hard questions at us. Just when we thought we were good, she launched into telling us about how she loves the fellowship of the church but doesn't feel like she has a testimony. So now we have a whole new mountain to tackle in the coming weeks.
In other news, because I don't have much time, here are the rest of the highlights of the week:
-I chopped off 4-5 inches of my hair...again.
- conference was AWESOME!
-I finally caught up in my journal'
-  I got overly enthusiastic about a massage chair and ended up bruising my whole back, ouch!
- It snowed for the first time, blech! :(
- some members told me a scary story and it gave me nightmares for the next two days. I'm re-sensitized to all the scary/gruesome/gross stuff in the world again
- We reactivated S---! :D So excited!
Well, that's about all I can think of! I hope you are having a fabulous, wonderful, exciting week!
I love you!!!

Sister Draney

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