Monday, October 27, 2014

27 October 2014
This week I had the opportunity to be interviewed by our mission president, President Mecham. It was great to be able to talk with him about some of my goals that I have and be able to get his advice.
A mission is a wonderful opportunity to work with many leaders and to see those whom the Lord calls. It's interesting to see that leaders come from all sorts of backgrounds; some are qualified leaders and others have no experience at all, but the Lord qualifies whom He calls and it is cool to really get the chance to see that as we work closely with ward councils and mission leadership.
This week we took members out with us like crazy! We had 11 member present lessons this week, which is a ton! That means that we had members at 11 lessons with someone who is not a member. We would have had more but a few people cancelled on us. That isn't counting all of the lessons with less active and active members. It is so great to see the ward getting involved! Just last night we were able to go on splits to track down people that were quite a ways from town. Both of the members really enjoyed the experience, which makes us really happy! I have yet to have a member go out with us who didn't like the experience. You should all go out with the missionaries in your area, it's a great opportunity!
The W--- moved out of our ward which makes me really sad. As we were helping them move Sister Beckstrand and I joked that it "seemed like we had moved all of this stuff before" because we had just moved it just a little while ago.
We gained a new investigator, put her on baptismal date, and then she dropped us less than a week later. It was a bummer! But it leaves us more time to go find the people who are ready, I guess. It's always sad when someone chooses not to accept the gospel. We know how happy it can make their life and we try to explain it to them, but sometimes they just don't understand or aren't ready to make the needed changes in their lives to follow Christ yet.
We had a miracle this week as we were going to visit one of our investigators. She wasn't home...again. But the girl that opened the door happened to be a less active from 4th ward  who was staying with her and we were able to teach her a lesson and set up an appointment for the 4th ward sisters to meet with her. It was a miracle for them because they had been praying to get in contact with her for quite some time. The Lord works in mysterious ways!
We had another lesson with C--- and R--- this week. We brought a member, a recently returned missionary from South America. Oh boy did my inner Bible basher come out. They were trying to prove the things they believed with the Bible and so many scriptures came to mind that were in the a Bible that contradicted what they said. I eventually had to make myself stop showing them the other scriptures because they just weren't going to listen. I felt bad at the end of the lesson for letting myself get so drawn in. Simple doctrine is the way to go.
We had a great lesson with J--- this week. He came with so many questions and we were able to sit down and answer all of them with the pamphlets and the scriptures. It was an amazing discussion and he wants to come back to church! (He didn't make it this Sunday, we aren't sure why yet). But what made the lesson even more amazing is that Sister M--- came to the lesson when just 3 hours before she had cancer removed off her nose. Talk about one tough lady! No one else from the ward was free to come with us and so we called, not knowing about the surgery, and she wanted to come despite it!
The other day Brother H--- (a recently reactivated ember) called us up and told us he had a friend named L--- who really wants to quit drinking and he asked if we ever could just "happen" to show up the next time he was over and talk to him about the addiction recovery program, so we did! It was a great discussion, but we were pretty sure he was at least a little drunk. He said he would come to church this Sunday with brother H---, but he wasn't there either.
We did have one success this week as far as church goes: K--- and his cousin J--- came! They only stayed for Sacrament meeting, but it was a good start! Everything worked out great, the people we had asked to sit by them came and grabbed them and they all sat together. We are excited to hear what they thought of church.
And the elders got an investigator to come to Sacrament meeting and he stayed for all 3 hours, so that was so great!!
This Saturday I got kind of sick, luckily it was just a stomach ache and we were having a ward craft Saturday, so Sister Beckstrand went in and talked to people while I died on the couch. After an hour or so I was fine and the day continued. It was a great activity and so many people were there! It's called "Souper Saturday" where they do crafts and bring soup to have for lunch.
We had another amazing miracle, the elders tracted into this little girl who mentioned that "the Mormons haven't been around in a long time" and they gave her a pamphlet and told us to go over. I'm still not sure why they didn't knock on the door, but I'm glad they didn't! We went over a couple hours later and knocked and we didn't even have time to introduce ourselves before they pulled us in and had us sitting in their living room. Apparently the I--- LOVE sister missionaries and they were so eager to talk to us. It's a part member family. Inactive dad and the wife and their kids aren't baptized. Actually it's two grandparents raising their grandkids. So we are going to start working with them. We are way excited!
We also found another part member family, the H---, and the member husband wasn't home, but the wife invited us in anyway. We had a great talk with her and she showed us all of her wedding pictures and told us all about their life. We were able to have a lesson with them and it turned out really well. Hopefully we will start teaching them soon!
And yesterday we had a lesson with the M---. We have been trying to get in to see them for months and they let us in last week and we had a great talk and lesson. Well, brother M--- came to church yesterday and very nonchalantly said, so when are you coming over tonight? He told us that his wife really likes us and that she will talk to us, but whenever the elders come she hides in the basement. So he really wanted us to come back. We had a lesson about the light of Christ and she tried to give us a bottle of homemade pickles. She succeeded in getting us to take the applesauce. She is warming up to us and we hope that she will soften her heart and allow the elders to teach her too.
Well, that's a condensed version of my week! I hope you are having an awesome month and are enjoying the nice fall weather! Don't forget to go out with the missionaries, or post a #BookofMormoning!
Love you all!
Sister Draney

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