Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Transfer news: I'm staying in Helena!
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We had dinner with the F--- for the first time this week and it was really great because they gave us a ton of referrals! Their little grandson who lives at their house is seriously the best kid member missionary I've ever seen! He is awesome. We told them to invite someone to the stake FHE and he wanted to leave right then to take the invitation to his neighbors. It was adorable. If only everyone could be such a great ward missionary!
We saw the P--- family again and managed to get a lesson in with them. The husband actually stayed inside this time and participated in the prayer! We offered to help them split wood on Saturday (he offered to show us how because neither of us posses any knowledge on that subject. We just have a great deal of enthusiasm!). He agreed to let us help, but when the day we had planned to help rolled around, it was raining quite steadily, so we had to cancel and schedule a different day to come do it. Hopefully it won't snow before we can get over there!
We also have a new less active family we are working with, the S---. We only met the wife and she was really nice, until we asked her why she didn't come to church. She had been offended and the memory of it still made her so passionately angry that sister Beckstrand and I were honestly quite alarmed! It turned out okay because she invited us back and was eager to accept the reading assignment. We just don't know what to make of her outburst.
On a different, wonderful note, so many of our less actives are doing so well! We are hoping they will be counted as reactivated this week! Sister N--- read her scriptures all by herself this week when we left and then dropped by for an unexpected visit. We were so pleased to see she was doing it on her own, not out of a sense of obligation to us!
Sister R--- has been faithfully coming to church every week since we started visiting her! We are hoping she will get a calling next week and be considered reactivated! She is also working towards returning to the temple. I am so excited for her! She has so much potential to greatly influence others for good. Sister R--- also fed us dinner this week and sent us home with so many leftovers! People always expect us to eat more food than we really do. However, they can feed me as much ice cream as they want and I will be fine with it! :)
We helped the FIGG girls make paper owls and pretzel owls this week because one of the advisors had a daughter who was arriving home from her mission, so she couldn't make it to the activity. It was a lot of fun! If you want to see the pictures of the owls, they are on my facebook page!
One little girl gave us her owl and wrote us a message on it, the front of it says "your awesom" which makes it twenty times more adorable!
We got to see the movie "Meet the Mormons"! If you haven't already signed up to get in it your area, do it today! Go to meetthemormons.com and request it! It is such a great movie and it will really help further the work as people realize who we are.
We tracted a street this week and the funniest thing happened! So we knocked on all the doors on the street because they were all referrals, but no one was home at any of the houses. So, as we were about to go knock on a door across the street, all of the cars start pulling in on the street we just left! All sister Beckstrand and I could do was stare because what are the chances that EVERYONE will come home right after you finish tracting their street? So we knocked on the door of the home we were in front of and then went and knocked on all the doors again. It was pretty great.
When people tell us they're too busy to attend church I always want to be like, "too busy for what? Eternal life? Eternal families? Countless blessings? Forgiveness of sins?" That excuse has never made sense to me. Almost everyone has 3 free hours on Sunday.
We also had a funny dinner with the elders in our ward. They M--- fed us pasta and anyone who knows me knows that I have serious trouble eating pasta in a dignified way. Sure enough, despite my best efforts it was a disaster. Somehow I managed to get pasta sauce in my bangs! I'm 22! You would think I would have figured out how to make the food go into my mouth, rather than everywhere else!
We got a new investigator this week! His name is B---. He is a cage fighter, used to work for the Army Rangers, and is just an awesome guy. We had a lesson with him while leaning over his back fence. So we ended up with pretty cut up forearms, but it was completely worth it. He has a strong belief in God but he is a slow mover in taking commitments, so we will see how it goes.
We had our Ward steak fry this week and it was a huge success! There were a bunch of non members and less active people there. D--- even came! We were so thrilled with everyone that showed up. It's so good to have events where people can build relationships with ward members, because that's really what they need if they're going to progress.
S--- lessons are going so great! We set her baptism date for October 19th and her husband's Priesthood ordination date right before that so he can baptize her. I hope everything goes according to plan because they weren't at church yesterday.
We spent our whole Saturday morning doing service. We helped R--- and the Relief Society clean out R--- old house. I got put on carpet cleaning duty since I know how to work the machine. Well, apparently I don't know how to work it as well as I thought because I went through half of the living room before I realized in was set to "water rinse" not to a cleaning setting. I was pretty embarrassed.
I didn't mention that it was raining very steadily all morning. So we were happy to be inside. But after we left R--- house we got to go help the rest of our zone move someone out of their house. I swear you could employ missionaries as professional movers. We had those people out of their house and into their new one in the better part of two hours (minus the cleaning that would have to be done after we left). It was a great move despite the fact that we were all soaked and freezing cold. I really enjoy moving people. It's interesting to see the different degrees of preparedness in different families. The more preparation they put into boxing and packing before we get there, the less time it will take, the safer their belongings will be, and the easier it will be for everyone involved. I have also gained a strong appreciation for consistently cleaning one's house.
We have moved out so many people and I have been disgusted by the filth that is left over when they leave. It is so much easier to just always do a little deep cleaning, then your house never ends up in that kind of a situation. Yep, that's my rant of the week.
Yesterday was great as well. We gained a new investigator, M---. We formerly thought he was less active because he told us that he "used to be a Mormon" but when we went over to talk to him last night we found out in the course of the conversation that he had been baptized four times! But none of them were an LDS baptism. So we got a new investigator! And the best part is that he already identifies himself as LDS! So we will have to see how that goes, because he is very stubborn and set in his ways, yet he knows he needs to change. I'll keep you updated.
Well, that's about it for this week! Thank you to everyone who has written me, your replies are on their way back!
I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!
Sister Draney

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