Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hello Everyone!

This week has been crazy busy! I was transferred to Bozeman on Tuesday and my companion and I were doubled in to an Elder’s area. I was so sad to say goodbye to my old area but I’m excited for something new! We’ve been trying to get everything in order for days. Things are a little bit of a mess because of the ipads. Everyone has a different way of recording things. So hopefully we’ll get that worked out and everything will go more smoothly after that.

Our new apartment is tiny. There are no bedrooms and we have a bunk bed in the living room with our couch and one study table. Then we have a tiny kitchen with another study table and a little kitchen table. We have a tiny stove that looks like it may catch on fire at any moment. It looks better now that Sis Horrocks managed to get the layer of grime off of it that the elders left.

We don't have a dishwasher, but we don't mind because we don't generate a lot of dishes anyways. The water in the apartment is pretty gross and the water heater lasts about 15 minutes for us both to shower. And the walls are really thin so we can hear everything our neighbors are doing; especially Bob who lives above us. We know his entire schedule because we can hear what he's doing all the time.

When we arrived at the apartment it was really gross. The elders said they cleaned it, but if that's what clean looks like I shudder to think what it looked like before. The shower had a black and blue ring around it and it took me 40 minutes to scrub it off. I wonder what the elders were doing that made them so dirty?! Sis Horrocks and I just looked at each other and laughed about how neither of us felt any desire to ever get married at that moment. It was so gross. It took us 7 hours to clean the apartment. Yeah, no bueno.

But now that it's clean it really is very nice and homey. We love it. We have just enough space. The only thing we would change is how long the hot water heater stays on for.

My new companion is Sister Horrocks. She's 21 from Draper, Utah. She is so awesome! She's a redhead and has the best sense of humor. She also is the most patient person I've ever met. Nothing can ruffle her feathers and she's always positive. It's the greatest thing ever. I don't think she should ever leave me! She's been out 6 months and she wishes that they would extend girl missions to 2 years. Our very favorite thing to do is to take funny things that happen and phrase them like we’re going to write about it to President Mecham or to our parents. For example, “Dear mom and dad, I’m pretty sure that my companion is crazy. I woke up in the middle of the night to her sitting in the kitchen gnawing on our loaf of bread. I’m pretty concerned. Love, Sister Draney”. It’s the best!

We're in a car share, so we share a truck with 6 other sisters. It's slightly problematic because to get to our branch it's 45 minutes away in a car, so there's no way we could walk there. They're trying to get us our own car because walking wouldn't be safe for us because the only way to get out to our area is to walk along the highway and that's not safe and the snow is really deep. So we'll see what happens. Right now we get the car 2 days a week. There's a bus system here, but it doesn't cover our area, go figure haha. But it's okay, we don't mind much. It's a new adventure!

            I don’t have much to write about this week because we aren’t teaching anyone yet and we’ve just been doing a lot of basic things to try and get the area into workable shape. The people here are really nice. The ward is supposed to be about 440 people, but only about 75 showed up, maybe less. So we’ll have a lot of work to do with the less actives of the ward. I’m excited to get to know everyone and to help them come to Christ here.

            The work is going well and I am doing beyond awesome! I love you all and have a most fabulous week!



 Sister Draney
P.S Scripture of the week Mosiah 5:21  J

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