Monday, December 2, 2013

Hello everybody and happy Christmas season!

We had an amazing lesson with a new investigator this week. Her name is Carmen and she's so awesome! I've never bonded more with anyone that quickly before. The lesson was very spiritual and it was tough though because we had to tell her that her baptism wasn't done by proper authority. I felt so bad because she was heartbroken. She reacted exactly how I think I would have reacted in her situation. We encouraged her to pray about what we had discussed and we prayed as well that night. The next morning she called us with her answer! The Lord had told her that what we had taught was true and that she needed to be re-baptized. I don't think I've ever been so happy before! It was incredible. I danced around our house for a while. My companions thought it was pretty funny.

We had our first zone training this week. We did this really cool activity where they asked us questions that a lot of investigators might ask and then had us turn to the scriptures for the answers. We had to race to see who could answer the question best using only a scripture and a 30 second explanation. The sisters won, of course (haha), and it was really fun!

We helped a family in our ward make pies for Thanksgiving. I mostly ended up cleaning out their squash and talking to their daughter because it wasn’t really a 3 person job. They made squash pie, chocolate cashew pie, French silk pie, and cherry pie. It was really cool! They had us over again on Thanksgiving to try the pie. I think I still prefer pumpkin to squash pie and the chocolate cashew pie was really good!

I know I say this in every letter, but make sure and help out the missionaries where you live! We are never more grateful than when members try to be involved and let us take them to lessons or fill the empty spots on our dinner calendar or offer us rides. The littlest things mean so much to a missionary! We always appreciate member involvement and we always need fellowshippers. Don’t let us burden down the few that are willing to help! Many hands make light work. J Make sure and always say hi to new people in the ward. Always, always, always!!

We visited Nancie again. I love her and her family so much! We helped them set up for Christmas and we had a really awesome time. I got to stake Rudolph in the yard and she laughed pretty hard when I came back in and announced that I had staked Rudolph. I also got to put up her Christmas tree. I miss real Christmas trees! I’m smell-deprived. I did get some Martinelli’s sparkling cider so I could kind of celebrate on my own. Anyways, we got to have a nice lesson and chat with her for a bit. I also was reminded of how much little kids love to help and to be given jobs to do. They just glow when you praise them when they’ve done a little job. It was the greatest thing. I’m going to have to remember that when I’m a mom.

Please let everyone know that transfers are this week and to NOT send anything to the Alkali Creek address until I know if I’m staying or going. Send it to the Rimrock one always!

We ate Thanksgiving dinner with the Hopkins. We ended up giving the lesson first while we waited for the turkey. Turkeys take so long to cook! Theirs was pretty much done, but it never ceases to surprise me how early people have to start cooking them! I also got to hold their pet rabbit and he chewed on my name tag. I hope stickers are okay for rabbits to ingest haha.

One day this week we had 7 hours-worth of training/study because we did our normal studying for 3 hours and then the sister training leaders came over to do four hours of training! It was quite something, but it was actually pretty enjoyable. They did a cool activity where they had us look in a mirror and we had to write a few “I am” statements about what we see in ourselves and they all had to be positive and preferably spiritual. It was a really cool activity and surprisingly insightful.

We finally went to Taco Bell this week! I’ve been wanting to go for about 3 weeks now and it just never happens. So I was really excited about that! It’s strange how the little things really can make your day!

I also got the package from the Cameron Ranch Relief Society! I was so excited! It’s been exciting to have that to look forward to every day. It was a super cute idea! Please tell them how grateful I am! It’s nice to know that other people are thinking about you. J

The Domes finally came to church!!! We’ve been visiting them for a while and every time we’ve invited them to come to church they’ve turned us down, so it was super monumental that they accepted! They all came to church which meant that Sister Rider spent a lot of time explaining what was going on and I spent a lot of time trying to occupy their cute little girl so that her parents could pay attention and feel the Spirit. Luckily, I thought to bring some of the candy that the Relief Society sent me and I was able to bribe her into silence. But then I ended up attending primary with them because Tatiana didn’t want to go alone and Winter didn’t want to go to nursery. So we went to the class with Tatiana and I stole some nursery toys to keep Winter occupied. It wasn’t too bad, I’d forgotten what primary was like and how much patience it takes to be a teacher! I really hope they enjoyed it though. We’ll find out when we visit them next since they had to leave in a hurry to feed their baby since they didn’t bring anything.

Let’s see, what else. When I visited the Dome’s home, Winter (about 2 yrs old) took me by the hand and pulled me down to her eye level and told me four or five time to “be careful” and to “watch out for rocks the in the road”. It was the most adorable thing because she was so serious! I love her to death, she’s the cutest kid.

And last, but not least, we didn’t have the car yesterday, so we ended up walking everywhere. It turned out okay because I brought my flashlight (not a lot of street lamps). We ended up running into one of our potential investigators who was taking her dog for a walk and we were able to walk with her for about half an hour. We saw a TON of deer while we were out. They always startle me when I see them at night time.

I also got to see Ephriam’s Rescue last night. Boy do I want that movie! It’s one of the few approved movies and oh goodness, it makes me so happy!! I would highly recommend it to everyone!!

Annnnd that’s it for this week! I love you and make sure and read your scriptures ever day!

Lots of Love,

Sister Draney

P.S Mormon Message of the Week: “The Civility Experiment” and “What Shall We Give”


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