Monday, December 9, 2013

Hello Everyone!

                This week has been crazy and I’ll tell you all about it, but first I have to say that I’ve been transferred! I’ll be in Bozeman for the next little bit. It should be exciting and I can’t wait to tell you all about it! So anyone that has been writing me at the Alkali Creek address needs to start sending my mail to the Rimrock address:

1848 Rimrock Rd

Billings, MT 59102

Thank you all so much! I don’t want anyone’s letters to get lost! Also, thank you to everyone who wrote me this transfer! It’s been so great to get all of your letters and to be able to read and reply to them. Keep them coming! You’re the best!!!

                Last Monday we treated ourselves and got Costa Vida. It lasted me for the next week. Seriously, I just finished it yesterday. It was so good though! We also had a chance to get some shopping done so I was able to get a beautiful green hat, some paints, and a pair of snowboots that look like they’re made of trashbags. They were on clearance and they’re not the warmest, but at least my feet are dry, even if they’re not too warm! Also one of the wonderful women in our ward lent me a waterproof, windproof jacket since m other one wasn’t windproof or waterproof and it was soaked. That jacket has been saving my life all week since the temperatures have plummeted. The lowest that I remember it hitting was -34F. Apparently, as the members have been telling us, you can get frostbite in 10 minutes out here. I completely believe it.

                Since we’re in a car share we only have the car about half the time. Our ward can’t give us too many ride because they’re all really busy and we ended up walking around Lockwood for about 40 minutes because no one would let us in. It was pretty funny actually, our nose hairs froze and the little hairs on our face froze and turned white so it looked like we had whiskers, our hair turned white and hard like a helmet and our faces were so red! It was quite the experience. We ended up having to go to our dinner appointment because no one would let us in and it wasn’t healthy to be out that long in such cold temperatures; especially without pants. Our skirts do keep us surprisingly warm though which is nice. I wish I had brought more warm, thick, long skirts.

                One of the women in our ward has this really cool embroidery machine and she used it to embroider the names of some of our investigators on to stockings that Sis Rider’s mom had sent us. We’re hoping to get the ward to fill them for our investigators with little goodies and stocking stuffers. She also embroidered our names on little strips of fabric. It was so neat!

                On Tuesday we had district meeting. It was tough to get out and drive to it because we woke up to 1.5 feet of snow outside. Our little car isn’t cut out for that, so we were worried we would get stuck. Everyone drives really slowly in the snow which means it takes twice as long to get anywhere, but I’m glad people are being safe! The snow was really pretty, until you had to go out and work in it. I discovered that day that it can snow horizontally when it’s windy. It went right into my ears! I decided to always wear my earmuffs from now on. The worst is when it’s cold and windy, or cold and windy and snowing! I’ve learned to wrap my big scarf around my mouth so that my breath warms my face. The only downside is, if you let it slip down for a minute to talk to someone, it freezes stiff as a board and then it’s no help.

                We finally got the new member lessons for one of our recent converts and it was so good! It’s really important for members to be involved with new converts. The lessons from them can be really powerful because it’s from someone who isn’t the missionaries. I think it would be helpful for wards to have a training on how to teach effectively because it’s hard for members to know what needs to go in a lesson and what doesn’t. If I hadn’t been on a mission I can only imagine how off topic and non-concise I would have been! The mission really teaches missionaries great tools for being effective teachers. Inspired questions and short, clear statements are key!

                On Wednesday morning there was a spider on my shirt that was hanging in the closet. A big spider. I was not okay with that. Luckily sister Finnell came and saved it before I killed it. She let it go outside, but now I’m quite paranoid of all of my clothes in the closet. Big spiders like that should not be inside. Better in my clothes than in my bed though.

                We helped an elderly woman in our area bake cookies. She made some cookies that were really good but they turned out kind of flat. I’m not sure how to make them stay big, but here is the recipe. They were amazing!

                1 Pkg lemon cake mix

                1 tub cool whip

                1 egg

                Put them on a greased cookie sheet in heaping spoonfuls nad let them bake! I think we did it at whatever temperature the cake mix called for.

                We also got to play with her ash from Mt. St. Helen’s eruption. It was really neat to see the different kinds of ash based on the location it was gathered from.

                The Alkali Creek sisters made turkey soup with leftover turkey from a member and ended up getting food poisoning, so Sister Rider and I had to make a late-night run to the store for some sprite. I’m so glad I haven’t been sick yet. They looked so miserable! Luckily it cleared up by morning.

                I tried deer jerky this week! It was really good and very flavorful. I have yet to have any other kind of deer. I don’t think I’d like it as much if it tasted really gamey.

                Two of our investigators agreed to a baptismal date this week! We’re so excited for them and we hope that they will begin to see the blessings in their lives now that they have made this decision. Now we just have to teach them all the lessons, get them coming to church consistently, and make sure that they really know what they’re doing. We don’t want to bring anyone in who isn’t ready. It will be all the worse if they get baptized and fall away, so we really want them to be prepared to the point where they can remain active once they’re baptized.

                We got to visit the temple this week. It was an awesome opportunity. You can really see how the rest of your week goes more smoothly when you get to attend the temple and take that Spirit with you when you leave. The peace that you can find in the temple is unparalleled. I love it so much and I wish that I could go every day and see those blessings in my life and in the lives of others on a more consistent basis. But it’s nice to be able to go as often as I can and I would encourage everyone who reads this to try and get to the temple, whether it’s to do a session or even just walk around the temple grounds. There is nothing quite like the peace you get from the temple.

                This week I was so tired that during lunch I fell asleep on the living room floor in front of the heater. It was so nice and warm, but it’s unusual for me to fall asleep on the floor. That’s how you know you’ve been working hard.

                I wish I had more time to tell you everything else that happened this week, but I’ll have to wait until next week. I love you all, stay healthy and safe. Remember to pray. The Lord wants to hear from you and He is just waiting for you to reach out to Him! Remember to pause at the end of your prayers as well. He wants to talk back to you, so let Him!

                Keep the letters coming!


                Lots of Love,


                Sister Draney
Here is a picture of cold Montana!  Goodbye to Billings!

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