Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Happy December! This week has actually been pretty warm by Montana standards. It got above freezing once or twice and we didn't have any killer wind, so it was a great week!!
On Tuesday this week I woke up with no voices at all. I couldn't speak above a whisper. If I tried, nothing came out. It was really rough for lessons,especially lessons with older people where you already have to speak loudly. Sister Lasson had to "translate" for me when they couldn't hear me.
We had a lesson with T--- about what happens to us after we die. He doesn't believe that people get a chance after this life. I think that that is so sad! We really have to work at it to get him to express his opinion. He loves to agree with everything we say and won't bring up what he thinks, so we really have to drag it out of him.
People here really like to serve plain rice as a side dish. I will never understand that, probably just because I didn't grow up with it. I'm slowly learning to sort of enjoy it. I guess this is why I had to serve a state side mission. I couldn't have handled foreign foods! Haha
D--- is doing really well! He is still keeping the word of wisdom! This week we taught him how to find the answers to his own questions and introduced him to the index in the back of the Book of Mormon. He was very excited to learn how to use it and we invited him to play around with it this week and look up things that looked interesting to him.
We had another lesson with C--- and H---! It was hard to get them to concentrate because C--- loves to joke around. But we managed to sit down in their living room and talk about how the gospel blesses families and how we have a prophet on the earth today. C--- insisted on looking him up on Google. They believe so many things that we do but they just don't realize it!
We also found out that the Jehovah's Witnesses visit them every week.
I got to go on my first facebook exchanges this week as the Zone facebook specialist. It was pretty nerve wracking because I don't like to pry into other people's stuff, so I was more than a little uncomfortable.
We had our Christmas Zone Conference and it was wonderful! I got to play "What Child is This?" And we had a ton of fun with the slideshow pictures! Thank you mom for sending in such a cute picture! It made me smile!
I got my very first crèche (nativity) for $14! It's the cutest hing I've ever seen and I'm very excited about it! We got it while we were on a Christmas stroll in downtown East Helena. We were trying to talk to people and share the He is the Gift video and I saw the crèche in an antique store and I couldn't pass it up. It's been on my bucket list to own a nativity before I'm 30 haha (because they're so expensive).
M--- is doing great! She did her 3 assigned chapters of reading in the Book of Mormon! We are very excited about it.
We also had a lesson with S---. He hasn't had his MRI yet, so no news on that. We are trying to get a set time that we can visit him at every week so we don't have to just keep trying to catch him home.
J--- is great! He couldn't come to church yesterday because he was really sick. We stopped by to make sure he was awake and he was awake, but clearly not doing well. So this is his one free pass! I was pleased that lots of people asked where he was.
We helped Sister O--- put up curtains this week. I dropped each of the 4 nails at least 4 times apiece because they were so tiny I was worried I'd destroy my thumb if I hammered them too hard. It was embarrassing, but Sister Lasson was such a trooper and kept retrieving them for me.
Sorry this is short, but things are great! I'm sad sister Lasson will be leaving this week.
Sister Draney

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