Tuesday, December 23, 2014

For starters let me tell you that I know I spelled thief wrong in my last letter. But I didn't realize it until after is already sent, I was so embarrassed. I guess that's what you get for rushing!
I got my new companion this week, Sister O'Mealy, and we been having a lot of fun. She served in Lovell, Wyoming and this is her first time in Helena.
We finally got to have an appointment with D---, the fourth Ward sisters are teaching a family and they turned out to be related to D---! So we got to have a lesson with him and invite him back to church. It was good because we got to find out his concerns and hopefully resolve some of them so that he can come back to church in the near future.
I got to meet a lot of the people that the Fourth ward sisters are working with, and they all got baptized this weekend! It was so great! There were eight of them they got baptized in one night, and it was really special. They had to re-baptize one of them once, because her dad forgot her name. It was really funny because the mom had to tell him that he forgot his child's middle name. I think he was kind of embarrassed. But at least everyone got baptized and that's what's important.
Sister H---, the older lady who fell and broke her legs gets to come home from the care center a month earlier than expected! It just goes to show the power of prayer. She is doing so well, the ward thought that this might be the last serious injury for her because she is so old, they worried she wouldn't be able to recover. But she has proved them all wrong and is coming home just in time for Christmas!
We also found R---, one of our old investigators, in the same nursing home. She's not doing well and still can't keep anything down. We were able to read the Christmas story with her in Luke chapter 2 and in the book of Mormon. We were also able to sing some Christmas songs to her. That made her really happy, I guess a lot of people haven't been visiting her and she feels pretty alone. I'm happy to know where she is now so we can visit her more often. Sometimes I seriously think I'm a bad luck charm because something bad happens to all of our investigators, but they will all recover and be baptized eventually, right?
I had a great transfer, since I didn't get changed around. I got to see a bunch of missionaries I haven't seen in a while, like sister Templin and elder Greenwall. I wish they were in my zone, but it's unlikely since they both got sent pretty far away.
I got my new companion, Sister O'Mealy and she is great! I hope I'm able to finish out the mission with her because we both head home at the same time. She has a great memory and she's really fun to be around. She's from Nevada, she majoring in business, she has someone waiting for her, she has a bunch of siblings, and a great sense of humor. We were joking around this morning that companions spend more time together than people who decide to get engaged to each other! Too funny.
We met a new investigator family this week that one of our members introduced us to. They're really great, they're practically LDS and they don't even know it! We will be meeting with them in a few weeks because the husband works on an oilfield and will be gone for a couple weeks. But they still really want to meet with us which is great. They have a lot of concerns that the gospel can answer. They're younger and they say that they can't find many couples who are really family centered like they are, most people their age like to be out partying and don't want to start families. They have two cute little boys and they are just an adorable family. And they already know a member family, which helps! It's good to have friends in the Gospel. We are really excited to start meeting with them!
We finally caught up with J---.  He hasn't been to church since that first time, and we been really worried about him. I'm still not sure what's going on with him because he didn't come to church yesterday like he said he would.
We were talking to someone, and they think S--- might have dyslexia rather then an inability to read. I hope that's the case because I would feel bad if he couldn't read.
We ended up starting the lessons over with the I---, apparently from what they told us they haven't received any of the lessons. Bishop says that they have, but if the I--- want the lessons we will certainly give them to them. I hope that this helps them get over some of the issues and concerns they have. I like them a lot and I'm excited to spend Christmas night with them.
We met with L--- again, the woman who is divorcing her wife.  She read the entire pamphlet and took notes and had questions. It was a pretty good lesson, but we're not sure how to extend a baptismal date because of the past issues and we aren't sure how long they will take to resolve. So we met with a member of the mission presidency last night to discuss it. Hopefully it will turn out well because she has a lot of potential and she feels that the church could be true. It certainly is one of the most unique cases I've ever experienced before.
We had a lesson with C--- this week and bishop came to it. He was more focused than he's ever been, and he seemed to really take in everything bishop said. It was nice to see him actually concentrating and not making so many jokes. He agreed to come to church yesterday but never showed up, it makes me sad, and I want to find out why. But I'll let you know after our next lesson with him. I think he really enjoyed the restoration lesson, and agrees with a lot of the things we said. He also stop meeting with the Jehovah's Witnesses which is a big plus! Apparently they didn't like the thought that he didn't want to sit around in heaven and play harps and things like that.  He wants to keep growing and progressing and that's exactly what we believe, go figure.
C--- is doing well, we found out that she smoking more again, which makes me really sad. I'm not sure how to help her, and we are sure she wants to be helped. She still wants to gain faith, and hopefully she puts more of an effort into reading, it will come.
L--- came to church yesterday! He laughed at a lot of things the speakers were saying, which made me happy. I hope he enjoyed it, because he left after sacrament meeting. But he said that he would probably be coming back next week, and I hope he stays for the whole thing. He even wore a suit so you couldn't really tell him apart from anyone, except for his earring.
I played a musical number in church, which I enjoyed. I love it when there is a lot of music in a sacrament meeting. I wish we could do it more often. We had a ton of people at church, they had to open up the second overflow!
D--- is doing great, we talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ yesterday, and sister Bingham came. We shared He is the Gift, and talked with him about coming to church. We had a long talk on faith. He's changed a lot since we first started meeting with him, and that makes me happy. I hope he will continue to change for the better.

Also something funny happened this week, Bishop Campbell discovered that sister O'Mealy's dad was his roommate in the MTC, and that they've known each other for 35 years! What are the chances?! They are excited to talk to each other when she Skype's home. They both served in the Sydney Australia mission and they both have families, and live in two separate states. They lost track of each other and now his daughter staying in Bishop Campbell's house!
I'm excited for Christmas next week, and I hope you're all doing well! I want to hear all the good things that happen, so keep me informed! I love you all and miss you a lot. I hope you're doing missionary work, and continuing to smile. Merry Christmas! Don't forget to write!



Sister Draney

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