Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I’m going to Helena 5th ward. I’ll get you all the address ASAP. But until then you can still send it to my mission address (1848 Rimrock Rd. Billings, MT 59102). I’ll be leaving on Wednesday morning. My companion and I are getting doubled into the area (which means we’re both new there) which will be quite the adventure to try and find out where everything is and who everyone is!
I’m really sad to be losing Sister Session. She will be going to Sheridan, MT in the Butte zone. The first thing she said when she heard it was, “I’m going to butt!!! No!!!”.
I’m extremely nervous about getting doubled out of the area. The new sisters will have no idea what is going on and they will have to start rebuilding the relationships that I’ve already built from the ground up all over again. I hope bad things don’t happen because of it.
I’m not really too devastated about leaving. I expected it because I’ve been here for a long time. I’ll miss the people here like crazy though! They’re like family to me. I don’t know how I’ll got 7 months without them in my life! The new sisters better take good care of them…
            Anyways, in the good news! D--- (the guy whose trailer we helped clean) has come to church for the second time in 2 weeks! Keep in mind, he hasn’t been to church in DECADES. I was so excited to see him! He seemed more comfortable and smiled when people greeted him. I hope he keeps coming!
            We saw A--- and she is doing to well! I’m glad we introduced her to the other sisters so she definitely will be taken care of.
            R--- finally got an apartment. It’s funny because the apartment he got is the one that the 3rd ward sisters are moving out of this week! It was totally obvious from all of the MormonAds all over the wall that it is a missionary apartment. We are just really glad that he finally got a place so that he doesn’t have to worry about his housing deadline anymore.
            We went on exchanges this week. Sister Jones and Sister Templin came to 1st ward for 3 days. It was really frustrating because even though we were supposed to work in the 1st ward area Sister Templin kept telling us they had set appointments we needed to go to, so we didn’t get to visit many of the people in our ward.  I love the other sisters, don’t get me wrong, exchanges were great. They were just a little frustrating. It’s hard when there aren’t enough missionaries to do all the work that needs to be done.
            K--- is still K---, no progress this week. But we wanted to talk to the Beehive class President and put her in charge of fellowshipping K--- and finding other fellowshippers.
            I’m worried about K-- because we are such good friends and I know she likes us. It’s going to be rough when we leave. I’m going to miss her so much. I hope the other girls are nicer to her. She’s such a stellar young lady.
            C--- and D--- have been really quiet lately. C--- says he needs time to think about everything. D--- really wants to learn more, but C--- is holding her back. I’m really sad that we don’t get to be a part of her learning experience. I have faith they will both get there eventually.
            P--- passed his baptismal interview! I’m going to miss the baptism, but I’m so happy for him!
The T--- moved into 2nd ward, so we passed them on to the Sisters there. I’m sad I won’t be seeing them anymore but perhaps the 2nd ward sisters are just what they need. J
            The H--- were out of town this week so they couldn’t come to church which was a real bummer.
And the we ran into a small hitch with the D--- family (the deaf family). I didn’t think through how I would let them know I was at their door. I was hoping their doorbell would be connected to their lights, but it wasn’t. So we weren’t able to get ahold of them for church! Ahhhhhhh!!!! L
            We finally caught M---! We were able to watch the Restoration video with her (something we’d been planning to do for a month now) and she was really touched by it. The Spirit was definitely there. I wish she hadn’t had this new boyfriend because she would be so much further along!
Hopefully we’ll see L--- before we leave. I’ll be sad not to be teaching him anymore. He’s right up my ally. I know how is brain works and it’s so fun to teach him! Oh well, I guess I’ll get to meet new people.
            I had to buy space bags for transfers. I underestimated how many clothes I had because of the season change. Luckily I have been able to fit everything in (so far) but we will see. I have yet to put the sheets in, or the clothes I washed today, or my bathroom stuff…or my towel for that matter… (yikes!)
            We’ve been running around telling people goodbye. It’s sad but it’s made better by the fact that I’ll be able to see them again.
            There is so much I could share but I’m going to cut it short this week because I have a huge document to work on to pass to the new sisters with all of the information on it.
            Please write! I miss you all! I appreciate your love and support so much! All missionaries need it and I’m so blessed to have you all! You are so wonderful!

            Lots of love til my next letter from Helena,

            Sister Shaela Draney

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