Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hello! Happy April!                                                                 April 7, 2014
So  a member of the ward was going to miss her Massage Therapy appointment and offered it to me  because of all the back pain I’ve been having. So, with the Mission President’s permission, I went and I found out the source of all of my problems. She said that all of the bones in my neck were completely out of alignment (except one) and that it had thrown my lower back out of whack too and had made my legs uneven which is why I had trouble standing for so long. So, now I get to go see a chiropractor in 2nd ward (for free) to see if she can put me back into place. We’ll see. She said that I should have been seeing a chiropractor, buuut I was fine before, so I imagine I’ll be fine after? Psh, I can deal with it. J
We meet with the Konzen’s often. She wants to teach us to belly dance. It should be…interesting ha, ha.
This is from President Mecham’s letter, in case anyone is interested in what is going on in the Montana Billings Mission in March J :
“In the March the Montana Billings Mission assisted 54 souls in accepting the Savior’s invitation to be baptized while 74 souls were rescued and have renewed their baptismal covenants by partaking of the sacrament.  Your faithful works, planning and covenant keeping has been at the heart of returning 128 people and their families to Christ.”
This week has been very busy for us. We met at least 60% of the Grace Bible college this week when we stopped by to meet a referral from Mormon.org and they invited us to a lunch gathering, which we accepted. They wanted to invite us to many things after that (like hiking, other lunches, and they want me to play in their “jam sessions”) and we exchanged phone numbers. We've also been invited to all of their lunch gatherings in the future for this semester which I am excited about. And we had the world's most exhausting lesson with some of their religion students who met with us for a paper they were doing on Mormonism and came with an attack plan! They even admitted later that they had. One of the boys apologized because he said we were so calm and polite and kind when they were attacking us verbally and he said that he was really impressed and he said he felt bad for what they had done. We graciously accepted their apology, bore testimony of the things we had said and then he asked if he could have our copy of the Book of Mormon (we had brought it for them, hoping they'd want one)and they both promised (of their own free will) to read the Book of Mormon. It was a great experience because most of the people going to that school are in training to become future pastors and leaders of different churches and they came away with a lot of respect for us and they were really impressed with how we handled everything. I hope that this will later translate into a good opinion of the church when they're addressing their congregations, even if they don't believe what we said. Or better yet, they'll read the Book of Mormon, get an answer, and convert! But we came home from that lessons absolutely exhausted and spent (it lasted 2 1/2 hours!). It was great and guess what! We get to do it again tonight with other students from the same Bible college! Ahh!
We watched two sessions of conference with Sister Searle, which I absolutely loved! The sessions were so good and if you haven’t seen them yet, you need to! They were amazing! I hope she got a lot out of it. We had a good discussion afterwards. We’ve been having a lot of good, deep discussions lately about things that are on her mind which makes me happy. I love her so much and I just want to see her come back and find the joy that comes from being fully active.
In support of one of the part member/less active families we’ve been working with, we went to a medieval reenactment and watched people beat each pother with huge wooden swords in full armor.  It was a great opportunity to talk to a lot of people and I must admit that I was intrigued by it. We had a lot of fun and it was certainly an experience I thought I would never have on the mission! While we were at the activity I helped a guy put together his weird Chinese flute thing because he couldn't figure it out since the directions are in Chinese. Good thing I read Chinese. Ha, ha just kidding!  But he wanted to sell it but he couldn't make it make music, so I messed around with it and fixed it for him.

I also got to hold the world's cutest baby rat, Kayla, saved from becoming snake food. It was so cute and tiny! Sister Governale even held it, but gave it back to me once it started moving. It was funny, I thought she was going to drop it. I’ve never seen anyone be so quick to hand an animal back!

We participated in a huge dodge ball tournament in Three Forks. The whole town puts it on and one of the members sponsored a sister’s team and an elder’s team. They also took us out to dinner beforehand.  It was the most brutal game of dodge ball I’ve ever seen! I forget that not everyone is as sportsman-like as the missionaries. It was actually a little intimidating. However we remained very professional and had a good time talking to people. Our Sister's team took 2nd place! We got mugs and candy. Oh yeah, living the high life!  

We’ve had a lot of strange weather this week: hail, rain, a huge snowstorm, 40-50 degree weather, you name it, we’ve had it this week! It’s been hard to predict what the weather will be like here. I do enjoy the rain though, since we have a car, and I love to watch the snow fall. It’s so pretty!

We had another lesson with Mark this week where we read Alma 32 with him because he’s had a real struggle with not feeling like he has any faith. And, or course, the Book of Mormon holds all the answers, so we wanted to show him! We had two brothers from the ward come with us (one was Bro Mathson, our ward mission leader) and we all took turns reading and interpreting it. It was a good experience because he had read the introduction of the Book of Mormon and the first 2 chapters but he hadn’t come away with much. It quickly became apparent that he doesn’t know how to look for deeper meaning in the scriptures, so it was a good meeting and he said he wanted to read that chapter again. He also said that he would try and watch some of conference, so I’m eager to see if he did.

Yep, that’s about it for this week. I hope everyone is doing well and I love getting your letters, they make me so happy! Remember to find something you learned from conference that you can apply in your life starting now!

I love you all sooooo much!

Sister Draney

P.S Do you feel that? That’s me hugging you, all the way from Montana!
 Our zone conference

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