Monday, April 14, 2014

Hello Everyone!

As for transfers, I get to stay!!! Woooooo!!!!!! I’ll be going on my 6th month here! I’m seriously the luckiest person ever! Things are going so great here, except for a few things. Like one of our less actives found drugs in her daughter’s room this week.  Ahhh this computer is frustrating. It won’t keep up with the things I’m typing to I keep having to wait for it to catch up. Irritating…

We’re meeting with our Bible College “friends” again tonight. We’re going to go hiking and having a discussion, so I’m super excited about the hiking part.  I’m extremely nervous about the discussion because of how being around them makes me feel.

So I had an “only in Montana” moment this week. We were over at the Olson’s for dinner and after dinner we were watching the gophers play outside when Brother Olson goes and gets his bow, quietly opens the window, and starts shooting at them from inside the house! He didn’t get any, but it was one of the most unique things I’ve ever seen. It was pretty great!

I’m like ¾ done with crocheting my first baby blanket. I’m pretty pleased with myself. It’s an excellent way to bring out my inner old lady ;P I work on it after I get ready in the morning before studies start and after we get home as my wind-down time. I’m usually really tired, so I’m not getting through it too fast, but that’s okay.

This week has been really warm and I am overjoyed! It only snowed once, but there are some hints of green poking through the grass. I was so pleased that we went to Little Caesar’s, bought ourselves a pizza, and had a picnic outside our apartment complex by a little stream (right next to the casino ha, ha). It was really nice and I loved every minute of it!

We had an excellent moment this week. We had stopped by Margaret’s to read the Book of Mormon with her and as we were just about to start a guy comes over and it turns out to be one of our less actives that we had planned to meet with! So he stayed for our reading and it turned out to be really great. It turns out he had been thinking of referring her to the missionaries. Surprise! :D We were so happy and I am constantly amazed at how things turn out like you don’t expect them to.

We went to go visit a referral this week and we got royally lost. We finally found their home by asking for directions and we knocked but no one answered. All the lights were on so we figured that they were just ignoring us, so we left and started to drive back down the road.  But as we were driving back to the main road, our referral pulled up coming the opposite direction (I had met him before, so I knew what he looked like) and we had a nice chat from our cars on the road. It was certainly strange, but it just goes to show that sometimes our timing wasn’t right. Had we not gotten lost, we never would have seen him.

I saw the dentist this week and my teeth feel all happy. J I was over my 6 month mark by quite a bit and it was nice to get them all clean again. Cavity free! Woo! Sister Governale thinks I’m weird for liking to visit the dentist and voluntarily going.

We celebrated Sister Governale’s 22nd birthday this week. I thought it was really fun. Our bishop’s sister in law (who is about our age) made Sister Governale the cutest hat and they made her a birthday cake and sang to her. I will admit, I’m totally guilty of spilling the beans about her birthday. I couldn’t just let her not celebrate it!

We have been seeing some major miracles as a result of our ward 40 day fast. Just this week we had 3 nonmembers attend church! Margaret was supposed to come, but she didn’t show up. But one of our members who fasted this week called us up to tell us that one of her acquaintances who was the mother of her daughter’s friend from volleyball came up to her at practice and started talking about religion and asking about the Church. She ended up asking Sister Rice is she and her daughter could come to our church this Sunday. They actually showed up and attended our gospel principles class! I was overjoyed! There was also another woman, Jennifer, who was found by the elders, handed over to the 2nd ward sisters, and is now ours because 1pm is the only time she can come to church. She’s been experimenting with different churches and disturbed by the lack of truth she finds in the other churches. She just got a Book of Mormon Saturday night but already on Sunday she was saying she couldn’t find anything in it that she disagreed with so far and that she feels like the LDS church is true! We were SO SO excited! Not to mention, Sister Searle practically adopted her and was helping her out and showing her around. This might be good for everyone! :D We’re so excited!!!!!

Well, that’s about it for this week1 I hope you’re all doing well and that you’re enjoying the beautiful April weather.

I love you all lots!!!!


Sister Draney

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