Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hello Everyone!

The letter is short this week, mostly because I forgot my journal, which means I have no idea what has been going on in my life. The days all blend together because you’re doing the same thing every day.

Both of my companions are getting transferred. So tomorrow I will get my 6th companion in just 3 months. (That’s a lot of companions) I’m wondering if they’ll ever let me keep one!

We finally had some appointments that didn’t fall through which was very exciting for us! And we even had one success with tracting (hopefully) we’re going back to teach him today.

So a lot of times we forget people’s names because we meet so many people in a day, so we give them distinctive nicknames so that when we put them on our board we remember who they are. So right now we have Robin Hood, Packers guy, and curly hair man. It’s pretty funny and we’re always a little sad when we find out their real names and have to take the nicknames down.

One of the less active members of our ward came to church this Sunday! We were so happy that we were just beaming ear to ear all of Sacrament meeting! He even stayed for all 3 hours! It was great!

One amazing experience we had this week is that we went to visit a woman named Vivian and when we came to talk to her all she could say was “oh! Now I know the Lord is looking out for me and that He loves me! He sent me three angels to talk to me!” and it was so sweet. It’s amazing that people can feel the Lord’s love for them just by us being there.


This work is so amazing. It’s incredible that we all have the same Book of Mormon with the same words, yet it is so deeply personal to all of us. It is truly inspired of God. It can change lives and it not only changes people’s actions, it changes their character. They truly have a desire to change once the Gospel enters in to their lives. There is nothing better that we could be doing than sharing the Gospel with all we know. It can be intimidating; it’s even intimidating to me and I do it full-time! But we have promised the Lord that we would and the greatest joy you can imagine comes for keeping that commitment. This gospel is wonderful, it is truly a gift beyond measure. Without it I would be lost. I can’t express my gratitude enough for my Savior and what He has done for me and continues to do every day. I am so blessed.


Oh, something interesting did happen this week! I got a haircut! Ha, ha not very exciting you say? Well, she cut off roughly 6 inches, so now my hair is quite a bit shorter than it was originally! It’s weird having short hair, but I think it’s cute.

Another funny thing that happened to me, as I got to church this Sunday, I realized that I had forgotten to put on a bra that morning because we were in such a rush to get to our MCM meeting. We were busy for the rest of the night so I spent the whole day feeling very self-conscious. It was like one of those bad dreams, except I never woke up.

We went to a gymnastics tournament this week that one of our recent converts invited us to. It was so fun! And it was a good opportunity for them to feel our support. The branch president’s wife came too.

And we got our car repaired this week.

Yep, that’s about it this week. It’s not too exciting, I know, but that’s all I have! I hope this week is a wonderful one and I love you all!


Sister Draney

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