Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

So, I'm in the hospital, with Sister Nashio. They think she has a kidney infection. So I got to spend the night on a fold-out recliner (not the best night's sleep I ever had) and now since Sister Horrocks got her visa to Brazil and left this morning I'm all alone! So, super exciting. Anyways hopefully they'll let us email later when she's up and moving again, but if not, next weeks letter will just have to be extra long! :) I'm doing just fine and I'm staying healthy. I was right though, there's nothing worse than a sick companion, you run out of things to do very quickly! Not to mention I can't even really talk to Sister Nashio because she's so drugged up on morphine that she can barely keep her eyes open. 
Sister Draney

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