Monday, March 2, 2015

I got a request for some of the funny things that happened this week, so here they are: The biggest one that’s making my companion laugh this week is that I got asked on three dates! I don't know how I feel about that and she is merciless in her teasing haha
Some guy dangled a balloon right in front of my face and I practically jumped into him I tried to get away from it so quickly (he had no idea I'm afraid of balloons, poor guy).
I got leaned on by the world's stinkiest dog :P so gross. I couldn't get it off of my hands.
Had a guy tell me he wanted to make out with me. Weird and totally gross.
Danced with a member in her kitchen to a ridiculous song on youtube called "Body Rolls/High Kicks" (I think). My companion practically died laughing. Then we rapped the Restoration to them and they made us do it again and video-taped the entire thing. They’re going to send it to us after the mission. They say we are the best sister missionaries ever (heck yeah!).
I played Mexican horse race and the members were super bummed that I figured it out so fast, so they had to have someone else be “Arted”. You bang on the ground and say "hoof" followed by your assigned name. So it's “hoof arted!” (who farted!) then they switch it to “Ive Arted!” (I've farted) but they didn't make it around even twice before I figured it out so I got booted from the circle and they found another victim who “won” because he never figured it out until after the game was over.
In other news, all of our investigators cancelled on us this week. We were super bummed!! C--- got sick, but luckily we were able to stop by before she got sick and have a lesson with her in her kitchen. She is such a sweet girl! We invited her to be baptized at her last lesson and her mom kind of freaked, so it isn’t going to happen before we leave. I’ll be so sad to miss it!
Things are going as well as can be expected with the G---. They weren’t able to have any lessons this week which was really a bummer. We kept in contact through text though.
We had a really awkward moment as we pulled up in front of the D--- house right as they were getting home (we had never met them before, they were a referral), so we decided to wait for a moment for them to get inside, so it didn’t seem like we were just waiting for them in the driveway, but the husband came out with a flashlight to see if we were lost because he saw that we had Billings plates. (The plates give us away every time!) and Sister Thackeray got really nervous and lied to him and said that we were looking for another street. Anyway, we think he totally knew, so it was really embarrassing. Luckily, he was sick when we came over for a lesson later on in the week, so we didn’t have to answer any awkward questions.
The D--- son was flirting with Sister Thackeray! He is a little young for her though (he’s about 9). He gave her a huge hug, then walked away a bit, then turned around and winked at her! Haha it was too cute!
We had a great dinner at the G--- home this week, but at the end they asked us if we would like coffee cake. I was so full that I didn’t want any, but when my companion said no, she looked so sad that I asked if I could take some home with me. To my dismay she gave me the entire pan! I didn’t know what to do with it! We ended up sharing it with some members of our ward, thankfully.
There weren’t many more exciting things this week. We taught many lessons to less active members and active members, but none are really notably progressing at the moment, which is really quite sad.
However, we will be reactivating Sister W--- this week, which is exciting! All we have to do is get bishop to sign off on the paperwork.
I realized yesterday afternoon that I will be home next week and that was a really freaky feeling.... I've been waiting for it to happen, but now that it's here I'm kind of nervous. I guess we will see how it turns out…
I love you all! Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Sister Draney

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