Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A request from our mission office: please send all letters to my actual address, not the mission office, until after Christmas. They are getting bogged down with a ton of mail. My address is:
3655 Meadowlark Rd.
East Helena, MT 59635
Also, they request that any packages not be sent til after transfers on December 16th because they can't forward packages and we may be moved from our current address.
So, this week we met a whole slew of new, interesting people. We were trying to track down less actives and tract at the same time and we met a man who made a monument to his dogs in his backyard. I thought that that was very Montanan. We met a woman who slammed the door on us before we even made it to the porch. We met a man named A--- and were chased by his guard goose. It was funny because we couldn't figure out what was coming after us at first. It was really unexpected to discover that it was a goose!
One of the elders in our district was threatened with a gun. I'm sure it was pretty exciting, but I would not want to meet that man!  Being threatened is definitely not on my bucket list! He was pretty excited about it though.
We had mission leadership training this week. The meeting lated 7 1/2 hours and was really good. It kind of put a kink in how much work we could get done that day though. We learned a lot about "coming to the mountain of the Lord" and about how the mission leadership council works.
On Monday we had a meeting with our stake president and I put my groceries in the church fridge and freezer so we didn't have to use a bunch of miles to go home and drop them off. When we came back from the meeting someone had opened my new box of hot pockets and eaten the whole thing! I was beyond furious. It wasn't any of the missionaries because they were all with me at the meeting. So let this be a lesson for everyone: if you didn't buy it, don't eat it! They ate my lunches for half of a week! It's a good thing I didn't know who they were because I was not having very Christlike thoughts towards them. Not to mention, I couldn't replace them because Walmart was all out of them. It was a bummer.
We met a girl named E--- this week as we were looking for less actives. The less active had moved but she ended up letting us in because she thought her fiancée used to go to our church when he was little. Turns out he was actually Baptist, but we were able to share a little lesson and leave them with a pamphlet. The most awkward thing is that when we arrived their atheist friend stood up and left.
E--- said she would read the pamphlet and pray about it. She told us to come back when she was finished. So I was like, "okay, so next week?" And she gave me the strangest look and said, "next month. I don't read that fast." I was definitely surprised, seeing as how the pamphlet it only 16 pages long and 6 of those pages are pictures... But we will see her in a month. Hopefully I'm still here.
I'm sincerely hoping that I'll get to finish my mission here. Two more transfers after this; it's totally possible!
D--- kept the Word of Wisdom again! Only he thought it as just for one week, so he had coffee yesterday morning. We committed him to 3 months though. It's great to see him making progress. We just pray that he will see the blessings from living the Word of Wisdom because that's what he is looking for is the fulfillment of the promises in the pamphlet. I know they will happen, but the real question is whether or not he will notice them. Sometimes these things happen gradually.
We called T--- this week and asked if we were still on for our first lesson and he said, "one minute, I'll let you talk to my wife". I had the "great, now she's going to tell us they aren't interested and to never come back" moment, but to my surprise she was so friendly and told us we could come over in ten minutes! So we took our ward mission leader and went over.
It turns out she is a member which I why she was so okay with us coming over. We had a great lesson with T---, but we can tell it's going to be slow going. He's 86 and very set in his ways, but he is also very willing to listen to what we have to say. We are excited to go back! We got the wife visiting teachers this week.
We had dinner with the elders at the L--- family's house. They put elder D--- in charge of making the pancakes and it was so gross because he kept pulling dog hair out of the batter. It made me really glad he was cooking them, rather than the family, so that he could pull it out, but it was still so gross. This is why we don't have pets inside.
I made funnel cakes this week and the elders ate so many that they made themselves sick for the whole morning. It was pretty funny. Poor elders...
We finally got in to see S--- again! He is finally recovering from the hypothermia and severe dehydration. He has to get an MRI this week because something is wrong with his legs. The lesson was great though because his Bible basher friend was no longer there. His new roommate is a less active LDS member who left because she was offended. Ugh, it makes me so frustrated when people deny themselves eternal blessings because of something someone said or did!
We are hoping to re-set his baptism date this week because he's not going to make the old one. He's supposed to read out of the Book of Mormon this week. I'll keep you posted.
This week has been SUPER windy! It blew so hard that it knocked over someone's massive black trash can and we got to do some spontaneous service and help them clean up all the trash that blew everywhere.
It made me very glad that we had some set appointments on Saturday morning so that we didn't have to be out tracting in the wind. We tried tracting in the morning but the wind was blowing so hard that it was extremely difficult to make it back to the car, not to mention that we could barely see and we were narrowly missing the tumbleweeds that were taking flight all around us.
We had dinner with sister O--- this week. We were able to help her hang all of her pictures because she can't stand for long periods of time, so it would have been practically impossible for her to hang her own decorations. She made us really good soup but it was so hot that I was sure I wasn't going to be able to taste anything for a week.
Then, on top of that, last night I bit my tongue so hard at dinner that it started bleeding. My poor tongue is just taking a beating this week!
The R--- have actually been doing family scripture study and prayer!! FINALLY some signs of progress! It's funny because we actually went over to give them the ultimatum: either you start progressing, or we can't keep visiting. So thankfully we didn't have to give it!
Two sister missionaries that went home a few months ago came back to visit yesterday. It was so cool to see them! But it was also a little weird. They were all cute and they could hug boys. It was really strange to hear them refer to each other by first names as well because I don't know them by their first names. It was kind of strange to see the "other side". I think I'm good where I'm at, haha.
The I--- are doing great a well! We had scripture study last night with M--- and she told us some very personal, spiritual stories about her life and it was amazing to see how God has played such a huge, obvious part in her life. We are excited to keep working with her.
We also had a lesson with the whole family earlier in the week. We sat down to give the lesson when brother Ivers asks us out of the blue to teach about the Word of Wisdom. We were more than happy to comply, as I'm sure you can imagine.
It ended up going really well! S--- was so upset that she had disobeyed God and had had tea that morning. We explained to her that she wasn't in trouble and that now she could not drink those things because she knew what God wanted her to do. She is so enthusiastic about doing whatever God asks of her; it's simply amazing! I tell you, the kids that I have met have had stronger convictions and testimonies than the adults I've met. It's no wonder they are a chosen generation and it's no wonder that God tells us to be like a little child, easy to be entreated. They are all so eager to follow the Lord. It's really admirable.
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. The bishop's family is coming from out of town, so we are getting booted out of the house for the week. We are going to live in J--- empty house. It should be very interesting...
Other than that, life is good! I hope you are all staying happy and safe! Don't forget to remember to look for things to be grateful for this week. If you have time, you should watch the Mormon message- "In the Spirit of Thanksgiving". It's a great message!
I love you all!
Sister Draney

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