Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

This week we spent a lot of time finishing cleaning our apartment. We had all 6 sisters in Bozeman over to clean it and we worked on it for several hours but still were not able to finish. You could definitely tell that elders used to live there by the amount of hidden filth in the house that Sister Horrocks and I didn't find when we first cleaned the house in December. We found a lot of crazy things there, for example there were 22 BB-gun holes in the wall. I have no idea why the elders thought it would be okay to shoot a BB-gun in a rented apartment. That's the problem with so many tenants moving in and out, there's no personal accountability. Now we have to figure out who will pay the damages to the apartment. The manager can clearly see that it wasn't us (he's a member and knows sisters don't do stupid things like that). So it's quite the situation.

We were very glad to be done with it this week though. We had to clean it again ourselves because they are very, very through in the cleanliness checks.
We are loving the new apartment though and are eager to finish getting everything in order here.
Last Monday we went to DI to look for shelves to make a pantry out of a closet in the kitchen because we don't have many places to put food here. We weren't able to find one sadly and the ones at Walmart cost so much! I was wondering if could build one and asked to borrow a measuring at our dinner appointment and they wanted to know what for; when I mentioned what I intended to do the brother told me that they were building a home and had a lot of scrap wood that they were going to burn and said he wanted to build us one! I as so grateful, in part because I don't know if I even know how to go about building stable, even shelves. I know the general idea, but I haven't had many chances to try and build things.

We took a load of elders belongings that we found shoved in various corners of the old apartment to DI. It was nice to do some cleansing of the apartment. It's just so nice to have a fresh start.

One of our members teased me at dinner, saying that all missionaries said they would return and they teased me that I would forget all about them. I joked back that I would have to visit now! If for no other reason than to prove them wrong!

Everyone has been giving us watermelon for dinner this week. I absolutely love it! Our fridge is currently full of watermelon and it's a great snack to have on hot mornings. Speaking of hot, you know how I love Arizona summers? I'm am currently realizing how miserable it would be without AC. When it finally started warming up here I was so excited! However, it didn't occur to me that no one here feels the need to have AC because the summer is so short! So now we have to keep our big fan on all of the time and rotate what windows we have open so that it cools the house instead of heating it. It's a constant battle to keep our apartment semi-cool. It's tough because it's not safe to leave the windows open at night, so we try to cool off with our fan and only one window open (the kitchen window that drops two stories right into the parking lot). But I'm still happy it's finally warm. Sister Session thinks I'm crazy for my love of the heat. It really does make you seriously ponder what you will wear each day.

We had dinner with a family this week, the W---. They are a sweet family with really weird religious questions. The father, who is less active, was asking us the other day why there are elephants in the Book of Mormon. Thank goodness for the seminary study books I have downloaded on my iPad! They provide excellent answers to really obscure questions. Anyway, they went all-out for dinner and smoked pork themselves for pulled pork sandwiches and they had all sorts of other things (they even sent us home with 1/2 a case of 7up!). It was a great dinner but it became kind of awkward because their daughter had been playing with a friend and part way through the dinner the "mom" showed up. It wouldn't have been awkward normally, but you could clearly tell that he was a man that had decided to change to a woman. It was one of the strangest conversations I've ever had, and all we did was exchange names and who we were before he/she left. How confusing for the poor girl! The W--- told us that one day her dad had decided he was a woman, left the family, and now she has two "moms". Poor girl, how confusing!

There is a family in our ward who are normally totally active, then one day they decided they were going inactive for really stupid reasons. We are completely flabbergasted! Apparently they've done this before. Sister Session thinks they might just be looking for attention and I think she might be right. We visited them this week and nothing seemed abnormal. We are so confused by the situation because they still read scriptures and have their son say's really odd. So now I'm super worried about them because I like them a lot.

Sister Session had her first experience with the W--- family this week. I think she must have thought I was joking when I said that both of them would talk at once and you couldn't get a word in edgewise and that there was always some sort of crisis going on. Needless to say, she learned why they're infamous in the ward and among all the missionaries who have served here. It was a pretty good visit even though we got eaten alive by all of the mosquitos living in the stagnant pong behind their trailer.

I got to eat buffalo last week! I couldn't remember if I had written about the in last weeks letter. We had buffalo stroganoff one night and elk sphagetti the next! They were quite the Montana meals! I definitely like buffalo better then elk, but maybe that's just because I love stroganoff. They were both pretty good though.

Our Fourth of July was great. We didn't have many lessons because everyone was busy. We did enjoy ourselves though and talked to lots of people. We got to stay out til 11 to see the fireworks which was great. At the beginning of the night we went to the fairgrounds to talk to people and had quite a bit of success, our best conversation was with a family who had just moved from China. Their little girl, A---, was so cute!

Before the fireworks started there was a symphony concert by the Bozeman Symphony. They were so good and all of the people loved them. They did all songs written by American composers (in honor of the 4th). My favorites were Hedwigs Theme from Harry Potter and another one from Star Wars. It was quite impressive!

We had to leave early to get to a party hosted by one of our ward members, the Mortensons. The fireworks were amazing and we even got to see one of our investigators,the S--, who we haven't been able to get ahold of for weeks! We were able to set up an appointment with them for this coming Friday. Turns out they had a hobo spider infestation and had been having quite the time trying to get things in order. Her poor husband was bitten multiple times in his sleep and is now on heavy antibiotics for the bites.

On Saturday we went to go visit the S--- and we got to hold their giant parrot! I was a little nervous because he was a young bird and his beak was HUGE! It was more than big enough to take a size able chunk out of me. But he was still fun to hold and very cute! We also got to see her employers house. It was crazy! The dogs have their own bedroom, completely decked out and so do the two cats.

As you can probably tell this week hasn't been the greatest for lessons. Everyone has been out of town or not home. This is the week with the fewest lessons for this whole transfer! M--- hasn't been home every time we've tried; the H--- went out of town, even D--- wasn't home! I'll be glad when life returns to normal this week.

We had an interesting/terrible experience at church yesterday, R--- father came to visit him and I have never been more frustrated in a church member! He was constantly getting on R--- about how he wasn't living the gospel perfectly and oh I could go on and on but I won't! I was just so frustrated that he was so inflexible and domineering. He's the kind of person that always believes he is right. *sigh* it could be worse I guess.

Well, we got transfer news last night and guess what! I’m staying here for another transfer! By the time we finish this transfer I will have been here for 9 months! It’s so awesome! I’m thrilled! I get to keep sister Session and enjoy the new apartment for a few more weeks. ;)

Please write! I love you hear from you!


Sister Draney


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