Friday, October 25, 2013

So, we had another chance to email, so I'll quickly type out what I can! I hope you guys are enjoying these epic letters!

So the other sisters finally got around to buying an alarm clock so now we're not all dependent on me for waking them up at the right time. It's nice but I hope their alarms aren't annoying. I guess we'll see!

One of my favorite things they serve for breakfast here are french toast sticks and hard boiled eggs. They're so good! They usually have at least one thing that I enjoy for the meals, which is really nice. They cut up all the fruit before it's ripe though, so it's not very good. Their kiwi are like rocks!! 

I was called to be the zone pianist which is pretty cool. I'm excited to get to play again before I leave. I already miss the piano. Mom, I didn't play nearly enough for you while I was home!

So I'm going to take some time away from my telling you about the MTC to tell you something cool that happened to me. I had been frustrated because I was having trouble receiving direct help from the Spirit while we were teaching our investigators. So when one day came and we were prepping for Claudia I was really excited to get the direct impression that we should teach about the Restoration rather than what we had discussed earlier. I was so excited because I finally felt like I had the Spirit with me and I was even more excited when sister Runolfson agreed! So we planned a bit and decided to pray again to make sure we were on the right track. So we prayed and when we finished sister Runolfson said that she felt the impression we were supposed to teach on eternal families. I was so devastated because I felt like I had been wrong and I had imagined it. Luckily one of the teachers who is always watching our class came over and asked what we were doing and we explained that we had both received two different spiritual impressions and didn't know who was right. It turns out, as he explained to us that the two promptings we had received were in the same lesson! So rather than receiving different revelation we had actually received a confirmation of what we had chosen. It ended up being pretty cool! (I was certainly excited) and it definitely was a faith booster. 

Another funny story for you; the other night during quiet time I was writing in my journal and I was so tired I fell asleep on top of it! Pen in my hand and all! Thankfully the sisters woke me up so I could get into bed. I don't think I've ever been that tired before here!

I've received quite a few answers to prayer since I've been here, and yes, Mom, I'm writing them in my journal even though there is almost no free time to write! I still have to write about yesterday and I haven't even started on today!

I don't remember if I told you this last time, but make sure and tell Natalie how important scripture masteries are for a mission! They are so vital to having a bank of scriptures you can draw on in a split second. I'm so glad I brought my flashcards- I'm re-learning them all!  

We did a service project here, cleaning the buildings. They must save a lot on cleaning with so many missionaries ready and willing! I'm so glad we got there early and didn't have to clean the bathrooms...

The first shower I took here the drain was clogged and it almost got all of my stuff wet! It was really gross because I was just standing there in my own filth. No one uses that shower, which is a shame because there aren't many of them. 

The investigators here are paid to be investigators. They can be members, converts, less-actives, real investigators, or non-members and coming to the MTC to be taught is their job! It's certainly a job I would love to do. I wonder if they actually follow up on ALL the invitations they receive every day....
Well, it's time for dinner now. I'll write you again! I expect lots of communication from ou! Letters are preferred, especially if I can answer in email. Keep the Dear Elders comin! At least until Tuesday! ;)

Love you!!!!!!

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